I wish I had the capital to try an experiment.

So, in other words... you don't choose to add any input other than "go ahead, try it"?

You aren't capable of THINKING about the pros and cons, the logistics, and the feasibility of such an endeavor without someone actually "trying it"?

People like YOU are the problem with this country that I apparently love more than you. You sit behind your little keyboard and scoff at any idea that doesn't come from the AM radio playbook.

So tell me slick, how does incredible wealth for a select few and shitty wages for most everyone else benefit this country you "supposedly" love?

Explain it to me like a third grade...because evidently, I don't get it.

So, the ball is in YOUR court now. Convince me that unending greed is good for us as a nation.

Your idea failed, the minute you railed against what you THOUGHT a janitor should earn.
You're just looking for a way to earn money, off of the labor of others; while you do nothing.

If you like this new approach so much; then why don't you get a bunch of NOW believers to put their money, where their mouth is?
Oh....I see. We can't even DISCUSS this stuff without dickheads Like you turning into a personal affront.

What are you scared of? What is the fear here?

once again....how does an elite few with virtually unlimited wealth benefit our beloved country? I'm still waiting on that one.

Furthermore, I think we can all agree that we are a consumer driven economy. What good is that type of economy when the vast majority of the people that DRIVE that economy can barely keep a roof over their heads?


I expect absolutely ZERO answers and more bullshit.

There is no fear. If you feel passionate enough about this and believe it will work, than put your time and money where your mouth is. It snt complicated.

I don't spend my time thinking about what others have. I am not jealous like you are. They don't impact my life or my happiness

So you can barely keep a roof over your head? I don't have that problem. I am sorry that you do
There is no fear. If you feel passionate enough about this and believe it will work, than put your time and money where your mouth is. It snt complicated.

I don't spend my time thinking about what others have. I am not jealous like you are. They don't impact my life or my happiness

So you can barely keep a roof over your head? I don't have that problem. I am sorry that you do

Jealous....fucking JEALOUS? I make a little over $40k/ year without ever having to spend a dime on education to get there. Just doing my job and a sense of loyalty. When I started? I made $6.21/hr ...that was in '87.

My wife, as an RN makes $70k at the same place.

Get out of Mom's basement and see the world around you.
Jealous....fucking JEALOUS? I make a little over $40k/ year without ever having to spend a dime on education to get there. Just doing my job and a sense of loyalty. When I started? I made $6.21/hr ...that was in '87.

My wife, as an RN makes $70k at the same place.

Get out of Mom's basement and see the world around you.

EDIT: missed your last paragraph. I have no problem keeping a roof over my head...in fact I sent one child to college at PSU and our second is attending....no grants, no subsidies. The only thing we made them do is take the Stafford lian so that they have skin in the game....the rest is us... and thus far, we haven't had to take a parent plus loan.

You have no idea what you're talking about slick.
EDIT: missed your last paragraph. I have no problem keeping a roof over my head...in fact I sent one child to college at PSU and our second is attending....no grants, no subsidies. The only thing we made them do is take the Stafford lian so that they have skin in the game....the rest is us... and thus far, we haven't had to take a parent plus loan.

You have no idea what you're talking about slick.

Stafford loans are subsidized assface. Welfare fucker. How embarrassing for you that your old lady makes more than you it is like you are a bitch house husband. Do you wear an apron?
Start a retail business. No one...not even me, the proprietor of this hypothetical business...would make over $100k in base salary.

It would be manned by people at competitive wages as compared to other retail chains. The difference is this. After all the costs of running the business is factored in...the net profit gets split equally amongst all the employees...minus 10-15% for gradual expansion/ safety net.

I would love to see it feature all American made products. But I'm not sure it's possible.

Would this work? Why or why not?

Would the employees have a base wage?

What happens when there are losses?
Stafford loans are subsidized assface. Welfare fucker. How embarrassing for you that your old lady makes more than you it is like you are a bitch house husband. Do you wear an apron?

Oooh...does a female making more than you terrify you? Pussy.

As far as the Stafford loan? Some are some aren't. It depends on family income....but either you know that, or you don't. If you do, you're a douche. If you don't then you are an ignorant fuck who can't even be a greeter at Walmart.
Yes... base wages would be comparable to other retail stores.

Losses would come out BEFORE profit sharing would occur....for everyone from top to bottom.

What a fucking idiot. No wonder you are a low level gobblement employee whose wife makes more than him

If there are losses there is no profit to share. You really don't know how a business runs do you dumb fuck?

Might I suggest a finance or economics class before you start this type of thread again?

What a fucking idiot. No wonder you are a low level gobblement employee whose wife makes more than him

If there are losses there is no profit to share. You really don't know how a business runs do you dumb fuck?

Might I suggest a finance or economics class before you start this type of thread again?


I know that you ignorant fuckface...if there's no profit, there's nothing to share...that was assumed...but you aren't bright enough to figure that out.
I know that you ignorant fuckface...if there's no profit, there's nothing to share...that was assumed...but you aren't bright enough to figure that out.

If you understood it, you wouldn't have wrote what you wrote dipshit. You don't understand business.

Losses don't come out before profits. Allow me to explain it to your uneducated, civil servant ass.

Business starts
Business hopefully sells something
Business creates revenues
Business has expenses which include employee salaries, taxes, cost of goods sold and various other items
If revenues are greater than expenses, then there are profits which are often times plowed back into the business in order to grow
If expenses are greater than revenues, then there are losses which are unsustainable and will ultimately lead to the business closing.

Now, who makes out better in this scenario? The business owner or the employee? It is obviously the employee. Why your dumbass wonders? Because the employee is getting a salary whether the business is profitable or not. Even if the business is racking up losses the employee still gets paid. Fucking amazing huh dipshit?

Now business is obviously more complicated with things like leases, depreciation and amortization, but I was trying to keep it very simple considering you weren't smart enough to go to college and could only get a state job cleaning shit off of retards asses.
And he has yet to provide anything that supports his accusation against me, except for comments made by those as hypocritical as himself.

Leave it to a slimy coward like USDouchebag to deny facts there everyone saw and that he himself knows were deleted due to the sickening nature of their content.

Perhaps that's why he's universally reviled by the honest posters on these boards and relegated to looking for "support" from the board bigots, homophobes and racists...
If you understood it, you wouldn't have wrote what you wrote dipshit. You don't understand business.

Losses don't come out before profits. Allow me to explain it to your uneducated, civil servant ass.

Business starts
Business hopefully sells something
Business creates revenues
Business has expenses which include employee salaries, taxes, cost of goods sold and various other items
If revenues are greater than expenses, then there are profits which are often times plowed back into the business in order to grow
If expenses are greater than revenues, then there are losses which are unsustainable and will ultimately lead to the business closing.

Now, who makes out better in this scenario? The business owner or the employee? It is obviously the employee. Why your dumbass wonders? Because the employee is getting a salary whether the business is profitable or not. Even if the business is racking up losses the employee still gets paid. Fucking amazing huh dipshit?

Now business is obviously more complicated with things like leases, depreciation and amortization, but I was trying to keep it very simple considering you weren't smart enough to go to college and could only get a state job cleaning shit off of retards asses.

Did you pay your taxes yet? I'm remodeling my living room? If not? Hurry the fuck up, will you? Fuckin' lazy piece of shit.

EDIT: betcha I make more wiping asses than what you do....of course, you can't pass a civil service test....hell, you probably don't even qualify....go get your GED and get back to us.

That's if you don't have a felony....which you probably do.... that makes sense with your stance on background checks.

Law abiding citizen my ass. You're probably a criminal....of course you probably think it's cool to be an "outlaw".
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Did you pay your taxes yet? I'm remodeling my living room? If not? Hurry the fuck up, will you? Fuckin' lazy piece of shit.

EDIT: betcha I make more wiping asses than what you do....of course, you can't pass a civil service test....hell, you probably don't even qualify....go get your GED and get back to us.

That's if you don't have a felony....which you probably do.... that makes sense with your stance on background checks.

Law abiding citizen my ass. You're probably a criminal....of course you probably think it's cool to be an "outlaw".

Looks like I hit a nerve. I bet it was real hard passing that civil servant exam. Do you wipe the retards ass from front to back or back to front? It must be so complicated. How is it being a bitch house husband with your wife calling the shots? I wouldn't know. I am the man of the house.

Looks like I hit a nerve. I bet it was real hard passing that civil servant exam. Do you wipe the retards ass from front to back or back to front? It must be so complicated. How is it being a bitch house husband with your wife calling the shots? I wouldn't know. I am the man of the house.


This is what you are....congratulations. you're a loser dickhead with a big fuckin' mouth. Just what the world needs more of.

You don't come on here to talk....you come on places like this to make your own inadequacies easier to bear. What? Didn't mommy hold you enough? Did Daddy skip town? Little dick? Domineering wife?

Poor little 911...there's just not enough things to hate for you to fill the void, is there? There never is with people like you...now run along and pay your taxes...I got shit to pay for.
This is what you are....congratulations. you're a loser dickhead with a big fuckin' mouth. Just what the world needs more of.

You don't come on here to talk....you come on places like this to make your own inadequacies easier to bear. What? Didn't mommy hold you enough? Did Daddy skip town? Little dick? Domineering wife?

Poor little 911...there's just not enough things to hate for you to fill the void, is there? There never is with people like you...now run along and pay your taxes...I got shit to pay for.

Loon at the Philly dipshit talk shit. Yeah you must be real proud passing a civil servant test. :rofl2:

Didn't you know that the retards whose asses you wipe can pass that test?

I wonder if you are smart enough to wipe your own ass.
Loon at the Philly dipshit talk shit. Yeah you must be real proud passing a civil servant test. :rofl2:

Didn't you know that the retards whose asses you wipe can pass that test?

I wonder if you are smart enough to wipe your own ass.

Philly? I'm not anywhere near Philly. Where are you from... let me guess.. Louisiana? I lived there for a year or two as a welder...filled with dickheads like you. Probably got a good set of Summer Teeth too, don't ya? Summer here, Summer there?

As far as my job goes? Fuck you...I'll laugh all the way to the bank with my pension for life and permanent Medical Benefits... fuck yeah...I'll be kicking back enjoying the rest of my life in a mere decade, while you'll still be a bitter fuck still stocking shelves somewhere complaining about "gubmint". Plus....get this....I earn my money HELPING people...which is a damn sight better than sucking the corporate cock.

EDIT: second Choice...Alabama....third? Mississippi....it has to be one of those assbackward "Deep South" states.
Philly? I'm not anywhere near Philly. Where are you from... let me guess.. Louisiana? I lived there for a year or two as a welder...filled with dickheads like you. Probably got a good set of Summer Teeth too, don't ya? Summer here, Summer there?

As far as my job goes? Fuck you...I'll laugh all the way to the bank with my pension for life and permanent Medical Benefits... fuck yeah...I'll be kicking back enjoying the rest of my life in a mere decade, while you'll still be a bitter fuck still stocking shelves somewhere complaining about "gubmint". Plus....get this....I earn my money HELPING people...which is a damn sight better than sucking the corporate cock.

EDIT: second Choice...Alabama....third? Mississippi....it has to be one of those assbackward "Deep South" states.

So you're a bigot on the South as well as a greedy capitalist pig.