I wonder if this is Webbway?

This has been a concern of mine about the right wing propagandist. Their tapping into angst and anger among alienated voters and though not overtly advocating violence they are certainly stirring the pot.
This has been a concern of mine about the right wing propagandist. Their tapping into angst and anger among alienated voters and though not overtly advocating violence they are certainly stirring the pot.

You know there are many loonies out there that would try to assassinate him given half a chance.
You know there are many loonies out there that would try to assassinate him given half a chance.
I have a cousin who lives in a very rural part of Ohio. She literally has never been away from this area for more than a few weeks in her entire life. So her knowledge of the outside world is purely what she see's on TV.

Her main reason for opposing Obama's election was that she was convinced he would be assasinated and then the urban blacks would arm themselves and march on the country side in open rebellion and that she and her family would have to arm themselves for the coming civil war.

I could only shake my head in disbelief but this is what they believe.
I can't help wondering if you guys read what you write and actually believe it? I thought Asshat was the conspiracy nut. :cof1:
It will all end when the Anunnaki arrive in 2012 when the planet Nibiru passes earth.

I have a cousin who lives in a very rural part of Ohio. She literally has never been away from this area for more than a few weeks in her entire life. So her knowledge of the outside world is purely what she see's on TV.

Her main reason for opposing Obama's election was that she was convinced he would be assasinated and then the urban blacks would arm themselves and march on the country side in open rebellion and that she and her family would have to arm themselves for the coming civil war.

I could only shake my head in disbelief but this is what they believe.

So ignorance IS genetic.... interesting.
ALL conservatives are evil, ALL conservatives are violent. Conservatives ARE NOT human beings! It is dangerous to draw an equivalence between Conservatives and human beings, as America has done! Conservatives are dangerous, violent leaches on human society that merely IMITATE the vocalizations of human beings, all while seeking to exploit and destroy society from within!
You know there are many loonies out there that would try to assassinate him given half a chance.

The language may be somewhat coded but many of these angry loons don't like African-Americans.

"And they were almost unanimous in their dislike of President Obama. Overwhelmingly, they said he does not share the values most Americans live by and does not understand the needs and problems of people like them. They are significantly more likely than Republicans or the general public to say that too much attention has been made of the problems facing black people, and that the policies of the Obama administration favor blacks over whites and the poor over the rich or the middle class."