I wonder if this is Webbway?

It was sickening what the left did to Bush. They are damn hypocrites.

I'd much rather see this black president go down in history as Carter II, a complete failure, then for some fool to make a martyr out of him. Having him killed would put Pelosi-Reid into overdrive and drive common sense into hiding; a complete disaster.
I'd much rather see this black president go down in history as Carter II, a complete failure, then for some fool to make a martyr out of him. Having him killed would put Pelosi-Reid into overdrive and drive common sense into hiding; a complete disaster.

I don't wish for anyone's death, unlike the liberals.

Obama is heading in the direction of Carter. Even a fool should see that.
How exactly was he going to do that when he lived in Hong Kong, didn't possess a gun and had no inclination to go to the US? What's that called? Oh yes a strawman argument.

BS! It's called offering an example of the hatred and desire of people to assassinate Bush. You can google "kill Bush" (we all know your google skills) and see dozens of examples of accepted instances by liberals to murder Bush. There was no outraged coverage of those lunatic fringe assholes. YOU certainly never called Low or Prakosh to acct for their stated desire to murder Bush. Is that guilt by omission Tom?
I am CERTAIN this was a left wing driver ramming a car with an Obama bumper sticker to MAKE the right wing look bad. This is all a left wing plot.
How exactly was he going to do that when he lived in Hong Kong, didn't possess a gun and had no inclination to go to the US? What's that called? Oh yes a strawman argument.

Actually, he called for the assassination of Bush. He would be too cowardly to do it himself. Amazing how you can stand up for this pig.