Sir Evil
Megalocon, The Evil Dick
Shit! forgot about al qaeda already, well damn, I thought they were in Iraq too, silly me!maineman said:no...we ought to be fighting Al Qaeda... a wahabbist organization

A nationalist orginization? (where is the laughing my ass off smilie?) yeah, they just get the itch once in a while to lob erratic bomb on non military targets when they wanna gain leverage for their cause. It's exactly the same thing! the Lebanese may have elected some of these clown but that is simply because they have no legs to stand up for themselves. Next you will be telling me that some of our homemade militia's would be acceptable government figure if they were to be freely elected.maineman said:Israel is fighting Hezbollah, an arab nationalist organization.... not the same thing.

And PUH LEEZE don't talk to me about democratic appeasement. Hezbollah killed 250 of our marines in Beirut and Ronnie Raygun tucked his tail between his legs and cut and run like the chickenhawk hollywood fake-as-a-three-dollar-bill hero that he always was. It was THAT act of cowardice that showed the Arabs that we did not have the balls or the stomach to go after folks that attacked us. We didn't have the balls or the stomach to go into Tora Bora and get OBL, preferring instead to go invade Iraq because it was "easier".... this administration's abysmal foreign policy and its even more inept execution of it have led us and the rest of the world to the brink of Hell. Thanks a lot, asshole.[/QUOTE]
Uhmmm, Tora Bora was blasted over & over! the balls & the stomach? is'nt that a good reason to stand together now against the middle east radicals?
Oh, and did you know that there was a time that Iraq was clearly the strength when it comes to militaries in the middle east? I know though, we simply went there to take their oil......