I'd like to THANK Blue Team for Smashing the Evil Trumptopians here at JPP.

I haven't interacted with all of these people but the ones I have seem like your average everyday brain dead leftist. One of these clowns anytime you say anything he doesn't agree with he calls you a drug addict.

So far on this forum out of the several that I post on it has probably the most erratic nonsensical lefties I think this is where they go when they get rejected or banned from other forums.

I was unable to remember all the Good People that were responsible for educating the JPP Bluntskulls. Watching these modern day 'Sons of Liberty' save the Republic from the Forces of Evil has reaffirmed my Faith in America and the American Way.

You're a hoot, Jack.
Wouldn't it be more entertaining if trump wins? Think of all the pundits that looked like they just ate a lemon four years ago. Can't you imagine the riots and looting? If Biden wins it'll just be ho hum.

Righty showing his hate. This is a right-wing board. It is a job straightening these haters out.