None of this means that the stimulus was the right bill. I said consistently during that period that we needed to create jobs, not target tax credits and grants towards specific pet projects, that we needed to change those tax cuts to incentive to hire for companies...I understand the sentiment, but I don't agree that curbing spending is our number one priority at this time. I keep hearing the mantra from the right how we have to cut spending and we can't raise rich people's taxes during a deep recession. On the spending issue, WHERE were these people during the Bush years? Let me make a prediction; you'll say that YOU were different. The WORST thing this country can do during a deep recession is to cut the lifelines and programs like unemployment, Medicare, Social Security or any other programs that helps We, the People. What we need to do is create jobs, even if it means spending money to create programs like another WPA or CCC. Right now there is only 1 job opening for every 5 unemployed Americans in the private sector.
During the Great Depression, conservatives of that day were critical of New Deal programs that helped Americans. They said the economy would come back in the long run, to which Commerce Secretary Harry Hopkins said: "People don't eat in the long run, they eat every day"
Mere parsimony (frugality, stinginess) is not economy. Expense, and great expense, may be an essential part in true economy.
Edmund Burke
It is foolish to say we grow the economy through growing government, either through entitlements or through government jobs, we don't have a government based economy it will never work to stimulate government to "grow" the economy and the idea that targeted grants would "trickle out" to the rest of the economy. Please. If you don't believe in "trickle down" this "trickle out" mentality has got to have you scratching your head.
IMO they attempted to target "growth" spurts for election years, they had bad aim and tried to only grow pet projects, and it has bitten them in the butt. Now suddenly the promised shovel ready jobs are important.