
thing is, yurt calls everybody else names. He isn't against insulting people, he just doesn't like a particular word. But if "retard" didn't exist, another word would take its place.

Either don't say harmful words to anyone, or admit to being a hypocrite.

actually, i later said i don't think people using retard are actually referring to scientific retards.

if you can't understand the difference in people calling someone who is virtually defenseless, a retard, verses calling me a retard, then you are more naive than i thought.

are you an only child?

grind =

no tats, no hats, no tees, or chinese, no bracelet that cost a dollar, or a popped collar, and im more apt to frown, than be tanned brown
I think the point is that someone who does have a disability is aware of it and is definitely hurt by people pointing it out, usually in a very cruel fashion. That tends to sensitize those around the individual, who care about him, to the hurtfulness not only of the words themselves, but of their obvious intent to wound. Someone like Yurt's brother would not have any defenses, e.g., ego strength, that someone else might have. So to him and to those who love him, the words do hurt.
Maybe you need to type a little slower and use more one syllable words so the little emo retard can understand what you're saying?

What's a matter with you today Grind? Did Damo piss in your Post Toasties again?
I think using the term retard or retarded is classless and somewhat low.

Idiot and stupid are usually talking about specific actions or things said by the retard in question.
Funny how one persons "race card" is another persons heart felt pain.

Lets remember our own personal pain when we scream at people for "pretending" to be insulted when someone uses hurtfull language.

Lets remember this the next time you claim a gay person or a black or Latino person is just pulling the "fill in the blank" Card.