
They are from New Jersey. Jersey is a channel island, and given a link to a UK paper, one might be misled into believeing they are from Jersey.

Thank you Captain Obvious! That sure cleared things up for everyone who thought I was posting from the UK all these years.
LOL, seriously. This link went around to everyone in the area yesterday. there were people from that region had to explain that they don't know those people and that they were just as shocked as the rest of us lol....:cof1:

I would imagine anyone within a 50 mile radius is embarassed to live so close to such morons.

They should find a nice pair of cement shoes for the parents, change the kids names and give them to a loving gay african american couple.
No, not really... it is just that no one noticed me. :p

Maybe you were looking in the wrong place? Did you try the Circus?

In the meantime?


Haha, I didn't know you were a circus lion! In the meantime, the future Winston Churchill Campbell can poison have of the cake and kill off the people that did this to him. If anyone asks, they were served "Dresden Slices."