if a dem wins without the popular vote next go arround will you be critical?

yes she did win the majority of votes idiot

three million more living breathing American human votes

You just confirmed the obvious.....your ignorance to reality and factual history. Simply prove that the second place candidate (Clinton) received more than 50% of the votes cast. Its a simple thing to prove if she won the majority of the votes cast. She DID NOT receive a majority vote but came in at 48%, far removed from the 50% required to have a majority. The only "majority" that matters in the presidential election is that found in the Electoral College. Are all dimwits that ignorant concerning reality, history and math? Of course they are or they would not be suggesting that 48% of 100% is a majority.
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or will you scream that its what the founders intended

twice now the republican party has won with this card trick

is it only OK if it benefits republicans

This has never happened, and will never happen. The National Republican/Whig and Republican candidate has defeated the Democratic candidate without winning the popular vote four times (1824, 1888, 2000, and 2016). Additionally, the Federalists were able to ensure that the less evil Democrat was elected in 1800. The Constitution is biased against Democrats in elections.
Impossible. The constitution was written before the
dim party existed.

Some of its authors were the fathers of the Democratic Party (Burr, Madison, etc.), and then look at the historical record. Only Democrats have been hosed by the EC (even though the Jackass eventually became president, anyway).
clinton had more Americans wanting her to be president

three million living breathing humans

3 million neo-communist in California. They're not living and breathing, they're taking up space in the land of fruits and nuts. How would you like 3 million Texas voters to choose your President?

That's why the founders created the electoral college. To keep the BIG city creeps from destroying the American dream. In America, moron, you have to win a majority of STATES to become President not the majority of ghetto babies in the BIG population degenerate tribal communist corners of the country.
Yes, but only to annoy whiny liberals. I fully accept the results of all U.S. elections, even the ones in which democrats commit wide-scale voter fraud.