If Americans Want Liberalism, where is far left Nancy Pelosi of San Fran?

who gives a fuck where she is? YOu guys are out of time..... and the tide is turning....it must suck to be a republican right about now with everything turning to shit around you.... you stupid choice for President dragging all of you down with him....

can't say you weren't warned.

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Yeah, nothing like sinking in quicksand up to your neck to bring out the cursing and swearing and name-calling. You're right maineman it must be pure hell. Especially knowing that there is no one around to save them. Reminds me of that scene in the film The Good, The Bad And The Ugly when Clint Eastwood tells Tuco that if he saves his breath he feels that a man like him can make it to safety on the other side of the desert. Poor Republicans, they will soon know the sting of defeat.
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the GOP candidate for governor to replace Dubya's brother blew off a campaign appearance with Dubya because how fucking toxic he is.....
Heck the whole country is runnin to the left and it is the rights fault.

Hard to say about that, I think the whole country is getting sick and tired of Bush and his war games. But I don't notice a radical left agenda in that. Most of it is being driven by the heavy cost of the thing. Costs which are still not included in the debt or deficit figures. In other words as with the unemployment figures which used to apply to all those who weren't working full time which was over 30 hours a week and which now apply to anyone who is working more than 1 hour a week, nothing is as it appears in the Bush magic show. Yeah, that's why the unemployment figures keep going down and are at near record lows.

Bush doesn't torture, because he has changed the definition of torture to exclude water-boarding so water-boarding isn't torture and that is also why he won't say what he is doing because if he told people exactly what he was doing he would have a much harder time chaiming that it wasn't torture. Bush's method is generally to change the definition or the methodology in order to give him the result he desires. And if the first numbers don't give him the desired results, he revises those numbers upward, again and again until he gets the result he wants.

And then he continues to wonder why his numbers keep falling, except of course for the hard followers who think that Bush is GAWD!!! Come on, you know who you are, one just told me he was attempting to "convert" me to the religion of Bushism. What a goonsquader!!!!
I read somewhere yesterday that the war is expected to cost at least 2 Trillion dollars!
Yeah, mr conservative defecit reduction Bush.....
I read somewhere yesterday that the war is expected to cost at least 2 Trillion dollars!
Yeah, mr conservative defecit reduction Bush.....

Yeah, but those dollars won't be a part of the deficit until after the next president takes over and changes how the deficit is calculated to reflect real world conditions not fantasy land numbers. And at that point it will look like the Democrats if it is a Democrat are big spenders. That is why the next president should be a Republican, make them clean up their own bastard's mess and take responsibility for it. If the Democrats don't make all of the Bush administration's corruption an issue in the next Preisdential campaign they should all be taken out and whipped. And as for that conservative maverick John McCain, he should be made to answer for his allowing Bush to boondoggle with signing statements all his so-called maverick legislation, when in fact it was all done with a win-win wink and a nod. While Bush went along with business as usual, and McCain appeared before the cameras and pretended that he had once again held the Bush administration's feet to the fire.

A person could just go on and on; the whole tenure has been nothing but one long dog and pony show while the most disastrous policies have been instituted and the left wing media has looked the other way and for the most part withheld stories and done just what the administration asked them to do.
The left wing media is not longer very far left. We pretty much have 6 or 7 corps controlling virtually all the media in this country.
The left wing media is not longer very far left. We pretty much have 6 or 7 corps controlling virtually all the media in this country.

During Bush's First term Media Matters found that 69 percent of all journalists who appeared on the Sunday Morning Talk Shows were Republican and 58 percent of the guest who appeared onthese same shows were conservative. This last Sunday was the first time that Russert actually had two from each party; but even in this rather balanced environment, Tim had one heck of a time trying to control motor mouth Libby Dole; and this was the second week in a row that she had done what she did. She will not allow anyone to get a work in edgewise. She just keeps talking over them and Tim really doesn't know how to handle her. I would cut her mike, but he just keeps saying "Time out! Time out" and she just keeps talking right trough all of it as if he never said a word to her. I thnk I will call her office and tell them how sorry I am feeling for her since she has gone deaf. In fact, I might start spreading that rumor around to a wider audience. Elizabeth Dole has finally gone deaf and is embarrassing herself. And I think she is also going blind because Tim was even giving the old timeout hand sign and it wasn't even having any effect on her motor mouth antics. And I guess that is why the other male guests were so flummoxed, they didn't want to be seen beating up on a disabled woman.