If evolution is real why are there still apes?

Thanks, once again, your tacit admission I’m correct. :thup:

Im not interested in even finding out what a 12b bet is.

The experimental method and inductive logic are extremely powerful. The benefit to humanity is immeasurable

I feel like science and religion are asking different questions, so apples and oranges.

Religious creed trends to be static, but religions on the whole are as dynamic and subject to change as other human institutions. Otherwise, there wouldn't have been a Protestant reformation, a Vatican II, or a Catholic reformation.

Saint Augustine famously wrote that the bible has to continually be reinterpreted in light of new knowledge of nature and the world .

the value of religion is how it causes people to act. the fruits of its moral teaching.

logic can be applied to how humans behave, prosocially or anti-socially.

would you agree?

(did someone say fruits?
There is little science to the THEORY of evolution. Ironic you calling anyone a dumbass, moron. :laugh:

Electricity is not a theory. It is science that has been PROVEN. Evolution is not PROVEN it is merely THEORY. Moron.

Evolution and electricity are observable facts about nature.

Observations are not theories.

Theories have to have explanatory power. They have to be able to explain the causal mechanism underlying the observation.

EM radiation and quantum electrodynamics is the theory explaining electrical fields.

The curved spacetime of general relativity is the theory explaining the observation of gravity.

Natural selection resulting from genetic mutation and gene flow is the theory for the causal mechanism of observed evolution.

Evolution by natural selection is supported by genetics, fossils, laboratory observation, and field observation
Evolution and electricity are observable facts about nature.

Observations are not theories.

Theories have to have explanatory power. They have to be able to explain the causal mechanism underlying the observation.

EM radiation and quantum electrodynamics is the theory explaining electrical fields.

The curved spacetime of general relativity is the theory explaining the observation of gravity.

Natural selection resulting from genetic mutation and gene flow is the theory for the causal mechanism of observed evolution.

Evolution by natural selection is supported by genetics, fossils, laboratory observation, and field observation

but nazi eugenicist operations are a violation of the theory of evolutions.

evolution occurs primarily on an individual basis. nazi eugenics operations of mass murder are actually a dysgenic effect, as they select for brute force, in violation of the generally pro social habits of the hominid line.


you can go against nature when you're a nazi fucko and society says, "Enough".


Nice guys finish first with jesus!
the value of religion is how it causes people to act. the fruits of its moral teaching.

logic can be applied to how humans behave, prosocially or anti-socially.

would you agree?

(did someone say fruits?

Your dad or you?
Would it be better if he had a fake forum and 2-3 extra fake accounts so he could talk to himself to build credibility?
** The forum exists, ergo it isn't fake.
** The accounts exist, ergo they aren't fake.

You really gotta get better at this, Dutch...
the value of religion is how it causes people to act. the fruits of its moral teaching.

logic can be applied to how humans behave, prosocially or anti-socially.

would you agree?

(did someone say fruits?

Lots of"religious" people use it for their advantage or as an excuse. Trump is a prime example. He does not have a concept of god or religion but uses it to fool followers into voting for him.
I do not see religious people as being better people than non-believers.
Lots of"religious" people use it for their advantage or as an excuse. Trump is a prime example. He does not have a concept of god or religion but uses it to fool followers into voting for him.
I do not see religious people as being better people than non-believers.

no. border and trade issues are why people vote for him.

he's not a globalist traitor.

the bar is so low, yet you and your ilk are so unfit.
no. border and trade issues are why people vote for him.

he's not a globalist traitor.

the bar is so low, yet you and your ilk are so unfit.

So you are unfamiliar with the evangelicals? The border is exactly as it was during Trump. Same walls, with more agents and even some military troops, added. Trump has businesses all over the world is not a globalist. Biden has none and is one. Your self-delusion is impressive.