If Fox News had existed throughout history

cancel2 2022

Loony left REALLY?

Can you maybe get a little more creative in your insults.

Loony because we did not blieve GWBs lies?

Loony because we did not buy the government takeover bullshit the right proffered?

Loony because we dont like the republicans working to keep Americans from voting?

No one is a loon but the face you see in the mirror.

You insult people as crazy and then turn to fox news and buy any lie they tell you to buy.

Fox news is the only station to win a court case for the right to lie to their viewers and you call others loony.
I'm amazed though to this day that people drink up the Fox News kool aid and can't distinguish it from political propaganda. Hell I was a Republican when Fox News came out and I resented them for insulting my intelligence and overtly attempting to manipulate my opinions.
Loony left REALLY?

Can you maybe get a little more creative in your insults.

Loony because we did not blieve GWBs lies?

Loony because we did not buy the government takeover bullshit the right proffered?

Loony because we dont like the republicans working to keep Americans from voting?

actually, I see plenty of grounds for calling you loony in this.......
Which post was that then? I thought you were more intelligent than to try to come to the defence of Fox?

1) It is defense... not defence

2) I am not defending Fox's right wing op ed shows from being right wing op ed shows. Nor would I defend MSNBC, CNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN's left wing op ed shows for being left wing op ed shows. They are what they are.

3) I am stating that your ridiculous bullshit in the original post is just that... ridiculous. You are trying to use the typical 'oh the right wing is racist' bullshit in your 'humor'. That is what I was referring to when I said your comments were far more pathetic.
1) It is defense... not defence

2) I am not defending Fox's right wing op ed shows from being right wing op ed shows. Nor would I defend MSNBC, CNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN's left wing op ed shows for being left wing op ed shows. They are what they are.

3) I am stating that your ridiculous bullshit in the original post is just that... ridiculous. You are trying to use the typical 'oh the right wing is racist' bullshit in your 'humor'. That is what I was referring to when I said your comments were far more pathetic.

You are an odd cove sometimes. Are you seriously taking me, a Brit, to task for spelling defence the right way? As for the rest, well who cares, humour is often about exaggeration and caricature with more than a grain of truth. You need to get that charisma bypass reversed.
You are an odd cove sometimes. Are you seriously taking me, a Brit, to task for spelling defence the right way? As for the rest, well who cares, humour is often about exaggeration and caricature with more than a grain of truth. You need to get that charisma bypass reversed.


We are number one... you learn to spell it OUR way.

I'm amazed though to this day that people drink up the Fox News kool aid and can't distinguish it from political propaganda. Hell I was a Republican when Fox News came out and I resented them for insulting my intelligence and overtly attempting to manipulate my opinions.
All that proves is that you lost IQ as you aged.