If Fox News had existed throughout history

2) I am not defending Fox's right wing op ed shows from being right wing op ed shows. Nor would I defend MSNBC, CNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN's left wing op ed shows for being left wing op ed shows. They are what they are.

So you admit that they are not Fair and Balanced! LOL

The problem is Faux presents corporate opinion, propaganda and lies as news which is not journalism.
This is why all conservatives must be purged to make way for a new and wonderful society, that will spread a 1000-year liberal consensus! Conservatives are the negative humanity, the cancer that must be cut off from the body of society to save the whole!
Conservatism is cruelty and ignorance. Liberals ask themselves, why do Conservatives always make the decisions that hurt the most people? Liberals are naive. They think there is good in everyone. so therefore, there must be a rational reason behind the actions of conservatives. They are wrong. Conservatives are pure evil, and they make the decisions they do specifically because the enjoy seeing other human beings suffering.
So you admit that they are not Fair and Balanced! LOL

The problem is Faux presents corporate opinion, propaganda and lies as news which is not journalism.

What part of my comment did you fail to comprehend?

The News on those channels tends to be pretty good. The op-ed shows tend to all have varying levels of tilt to right or left.
This is why all conservatives must be purged to make way for a new and wonderful society, that will spread a 1000-year liberal consensus! Conservatives are the negative humanity, the cancer that must be cut off from the body of society to save the whole!
So since there is a time limit on this consensus, you admit that it is not the true chosen path?

How....Libertarian... of you :awesome:
Loony left REALLY?

Can you maybe get a little more creative in your insults.

Loony because we did not blieve GWBs lies?

Loony because we did not buy the government takeover bullshit the right proffered?

Loony because we dont like the republicans working to keep Americans from voting?

No one is a loon but the face you see in the mirror.

You insult people as crazy and then turn to fox news and buy any lie they tell you to buy.

Fox news is the only station to win a court case for the right to lie to their viewers and you call others loony.

No, I refer to you as loony; because you bitch and moan about what's being done "to you", but fail to see that you're just as guilty.
I refer to you as loony; because you run around, like a chicken with it's head cut off, yelling "LOOK AT ME - LOOK AT ME - LOOK AT ME".
I refer to you as loony; because you actually think that because you FEEL a certain way about something and will dismiss everything that tears down your little house of cards.
I refer to you as loony; because you continue to whine about Bush and yet you would clap and cheer, if Obama raped a crippled child on the White House steps.

If it looks like a loon, acts like a loon, and sounds like a loon; then it's probably a loon.

Now fuck off.
It's because apart from a few notable exceptions such as P J O'Rourke, they don't have the imagination or sense of humour.

OH, I don't know about that!

When Bush was President, a picture of him made to appear as a chimp was found by the left to be highly amusing; but the first time that the same comparison was made to Obama, the loony left cried racism.

There are plenty more examples, if you've been paying attention.