cancel2 2022
The only joke here, Tom, is your insistence on calling yourself an "engineer" when you lack the basic qualifications, according to the UK professional licensing board.
Take it up with Deutsche Telecom.
The only joke here, Tom, is your insistence on calling yourself an "engineer" when you lack the basic qualifications, according to the UK professional licensing board.
So you refuse to accept personal responsibility?Take it up with Deutsche Telecom.
2) I am not defending Fox's right wing op ed shows from being right wing op ed shows. Nor would I defend MSNBC, CNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN's left wing op ed shows for being left wing op ed shows. They are what they are.
So you admit that they are not Fair and Balanced! LOL
The problem is Faux presents corporate opinion, propaganda and lies as news which is not journalism.
So since there is a time limit on this consensus, you admit that it is not the true chosen path?This is why all conservatives must be purged to make way for a new and wonderful society, that will spread a 1000-year liberal consensus! Conservatives are the negative humanity, the cancer that must be cut off from the body of society to save the whole!
So you refuse to accept personal responsibility?
I will not be baited into a battle of wits with a defensless individual, besides, arguing with you is like arguing with an old dog. Not only is it pointless, it irritates the dog.All that proves is that you lost IQ as you aged.
So since there is a time limit on this consensus, you admit that it is not the true chosen path?
How....Libertarian... of you
Loony left REALLY?
Can you maybe get a little more creative in your insults.
Loony because we did not blieve GWBs lies?
Loony because we did not buy the government takeover bullshit the right proffered?
Loony because we dont like the republicans working to keep Americans from voting?
No one is a loon but the face you see in the mirror.
You insult people as crazy and then turn to fox news and buy any lie they tell you to buy.
Fox news is the only station to win a court case for the right to lie to their viewers and you call others loony.
It's because apart from a few notable exceptions such as P J O'Rourke, they don't have the imagination or sense of humour.
So since there is a time limit on this consensus, you admit that it is not the true chosen path?
How....Libertarian... of you
Actually it's a reference to the "1000 year reich" a nice chap from Germany loved to talk about so much once.
Translation: You won't argue with me for fear of losing.I will not be baited into a battle of wits with a defensless individual, besides, arguing with you is like arguing with an old dog. Not only is it pointless, it irritates the dog.
I'm suggesting that he notify his employer to have it corrected.Are you suggesting he chose his own job title?