If McCain gets the nomination, I'm voting for Hilary.

What's wrong w/ campaign finance, too? As far as I'm concerned, it didn't go far enough. Money rules our political system, more than ever....

Agree 100%. As long as we treat money as free speech we will continue having the PACs/lobbyists/special interest groups running around bribing our politicians to enact laws that benefit them specifically rather than the country as a whole.
Vote Libertarian. Because you know this fascism crap is a ruse...


I am very likely going to vote Libertarian...this fascism crap is a fascination, and I believe that my own particular brand of it would be pretty great.

However, my votes are rooted firmly in reality, not in the future or in dreams.
I am very likely going to vote Libertarian...this fascism crap is a fascination, and I believe that my own particular brand of it would be pretty great.

However, my votes are rooted firmly in reality, not in the future or in dreams.

Look at the components of your vision. You want a great amount of solidarity between all members of a nation. This will never happen as our elites are DETERMINED to decimate the american worker through globalization. Fix things one at a time. The globalization mindset is the biggest enemy to your cause. And many could agree with you on that aspect.
Look at the components of your vision. You want a great amount of solidarity between all members of a nation. This will never happen as our elites are DETERMINED to decimate the american worker through globalization. Fix things one at a time. The globalization mindset is the biggest enemy to your cause. And many could agree with you on that aspect.

Oh, it certainly encourages bringing American jobs back to America. Don't you worry AHZ.
There are several issues with McCain I think the right has.

First is the campaign finance. That really sticks out.

He is liked for his dedication to fighting earmarks but his record on taxes does not please the libertarian Republicans.

His stance on immigration more recently.

The gang of 14 probably didn't help him either.

And I'm sure the media and a good number of Democrats falling for him in 2000 didn't endear him to conservatives.

The fact that he is seen with Ted Kennedy and John Kerry also doesn't help his cause.

Cutting taxes in 2000 was clear fiscal irresponsibility.

I support him MORE because of his sane stance on immigration. The problem I have with the gang of 14 is that I wanted Democrats to filibuster all of those goddamned judicial nominees.

The only real problem with the man is his stance on the war.
What's wrong w/ campaign finance, too? As far as I'm concerned, it didn't go far enough. Money rules our political system, more than ever....

His campaign finance reform shut off large amounts of funds... which had the primary effect of impossible to run against an incumbent. If you want campaign finance reform, that surely isn't the way to do it.
I objected to the campaign finance reform called McCain-Feingold. I am for reform but more like desh has suggested........free air time or some such thing.

I agree with him on immigration. We need to provide a path to citizenship for those "illegals" who are already here.

My biggest objection was to the gang of 14. That is the only reason I voted for Bush in 2000........the make-up of the supreme court.
mccain is turncoat and will been you over and f you up the a. Hilary we know what we are getting.. mostly.

In 2004 I was pretty gleeful when democrats were depressed, I think this time around I will be gleeful if the republicans lose. If we are going to have liberal policies we might as well have them under the liberal banner, rather than have mccain pretend to be a conservative and continue to sully what exactly a conservative is in the first place.
I objected to the campaign finance reform called McCain-Feingold. I am for reform but more like desh has suggested........free air time or some such thing.

I agree with him on immigration. We need to provide a path to citizenship for those "illegals" who are already here.

My biggest objection was to the gang of 14. That is the only reason I voted for Bush in 2000........the make-up of the supreme court.


The gang of 14 prevented them from filibustering. A detriment to our society.
If he screwed them I'm glad for it. I don't want any crazy conservative judges that will rule that it's legal to keep blacks and whites from marrying, overturn Roe, and remove god knows how many other civil liberties that are plainly stated in the constitution.
don't be ridic watermark. You really think that interracial marriages would be banned? Quit drinking the koolaid.
and if roe v wade was overturned (which it wouldn't be) it would just return to the states and most states would probably legalize it anyway. For the few unfortunate states you are probably 100 miles away from a very personal vacuum cleaner
and if roe v wade was overturned (which it wouldn't be) it would just return to the states and most states would probably legalize it anyway. For the few unfortunate states you are probably 100 miles away from a very personal vacuum cleaner

Then the Republican congress would sign a bill into law that required states to ban abortion or lose all federal funding. The conservative courts that have accepted this sort of practice before would accept it again.
and if roe v wade was overturned (which it wouldn't be) it would just return to the states and most states would probably legalize it anyway. For the few unfortunate states you are probably 100 miles away from a very personal vacuum cleaner

thats correct. most states would not recognize an overturn of row v wade based on privacy laws.

thats why its such and unimportant issue for me and why i wouldn't not vote for someone based on it.
And a girl in Mississippi would have to travel hundreds of miles to get an abortion. If they were a teenager, their parents could force this decision on them, and if someone else drove them they'd be thrown in federal prison for life without parole.
And a girl in Mississippi would have to travel hundreds of miles to get an abortion. If they were a teenager, their parents could force this decision on them, and if someone else drove them they'd be thrown in federal prison for life without parole.

similar to today if some girl gets prego in rural area of Texas that takes 400 miles to get to a clinic.

again its really a small percent of tragic stories you would get out of this particular issues compared to so many more important issues to base a decision on.
Let me correct that...

Sandra Day O'Conner type conservative justices wouldn't accept it. But you have to remember, Rehniquest and Scalia voted for it, and the court now has 4 Scalias and no O'Conners.

The only other person to vote against that kind of federal coercion was Brennan - the most liberal justice to ever sit on the supreme court.