If Obama wins, he will be impeached

So that is the Republican party's MO? Lose an election go to impeachment. Are they really the party of sore loser pussies? Because that is what that move is. Just like with Clinton. Can't the Republican party take a loss gracefully?
So that is the Republican party's MO? Lose an election go to impeachment. Are they really the party of sore loser pussies? Because that is what that move is. Just like with Clinton. Can't the Republican party take a loss gracefully?

And my first prediction already begins to rear it's ugly head.

"I know what happened with Clinton, and I know there would be the same clamoring from the same limp-wrist moderates to avoid such a thing..."
That's my bet anyway... are there any takers?

Yes, I know what happened with Clinton, and I know there would be the same clamoring from the same limp-wrist moderates to avoid such a thing, but I am betting, if he does get re-elected, there will be articles of impeachment brought forth within the first year, and not only that, but he will, in fact, be impeached and removed from office. I think there is probably already enough on him to do this, but they have held off to see how the election plays out. Once faced with the prospects of an unencumbered Marxist in the White House for four more years, the motivation to impeach will reach a crescendo, and the Big O will go down.
Pass that blunt over here Dixie. Don't be such a bogart.
Also, you think with the way the Senate will be composed there will be a conviction? The house ONLY votes on the articles, the senate must impeach.
Also, you think with the way the Senate will be composed there will be a conviction? The house ONLY votes on the articles, the senate must impeach.

The Senate Convicts the House Impeaches. Clinton was Impeached, however he was not Convicted and hence not removed from office.
Look Sochead, I don't think they will impeach solely for the sake of impeaching, with nothing to go on. I believe they have sufficient grounds already, and they just haven't pursued them as of yet. When they do, Obama's already slipping approval ratings will start to nosedive, and his Democrat allies in the House and Senate will begin to abandon ship. You might even see black democrats pull the reverse-race card, and claim this is far too important to ignore just because Obama is black. They might even remind you that he's also half white, while throwing him under the bus. You'll be amazed at what career politicians will do and say to save their own political bacon.

I make this prediction on two mitigating factors. First, the number of 'red flags' we've had with regard to this administration's corruption and violation of the constitutional separation of powers. And second, the man is basically an admitted Marxist who see's all our problems as "bumps in the road" to Totalitarian Marxist Utopianism. Now... maybe I am wrong, maybe America will be perfectly fine sitting in economic funk for 4 more years without any real economic or job growth, as taxes and prices continue to rise and Obama's plans continue to fail as we listen to how it's all the fault of Republicans and Bush? But I believe he is planning to pursue an aggressive path to Marxism, and the public at large will begin to turn on him very rapidly, probably within the first year.

First he has to win... which, by the way pinheads, I have ALSO predicted.
...the public at large will begin to turn on him very rapidly, probably within the first year. First he has to win... which, by the way pinheads, I have ALSO predicted.

Enlighten those of us not possessed of your gift of prophecy, O Oracle of Alabubba....what other events have you successfully predicted?
Dixie, your party wasted MILLIONS of dollars on the Clinton impeachment. You really want to do that?

Of course, they do. They spent more on Hillary investigations. They talk about caring about taxpayer money, but it is just that talk. Taxpayer money spent on helping the Repubs is money well spent. But don't suggest we should spend it on the poor and sick.