+10 Grind points to me. Category: ownage
The facts are that whenever there is any drama or passionate arguing between a Liberal and rightwinger, you side with the Liberal, pure and simple. Stirfry has called you out for it too. It's fairly obvious.
Did I threaten him? I was under the impression that I told him he needs to get his own ass fired by showing his boss the shit he wrote about how baby rapers don't result in any lasting physical or emotional damage.
It's nice that you look at evidence instead of just taking the easy route of going with the emo Liberal mob like you ALWAYS do.
Other times I have just responded to people like Maineman or Rickabone that give me threats. Cypress, well I take responsibility for that, he is the most devious fuck on here so it gets to me, but not so much now that more people are seeing it.
That's true. Your function is pretty much threefold:
1. Check this site every few hours to see if you can get in a moderately funny one-liner on any right-winger.
2. Say "ZOMG" whenever some righty or Watermark raises a point that looks remotely passionate.
3. Join in with Liberal mob for any drama against me.
That pretty much sums you up.