I quote:

"This is your problem. Stop. I'll make a suggestion if you ask. If you don't, that's cool too."

With all the respect in the world, G, I am NOT going to ask a person who plays golf with 4 clubs...about how to end a period of poor play.

OK, true dat. I hope the pros work it out for you.
One of them is lying.

One took a lie detector test and passed.

One is avoiding even discussing a lie detector.

But...he has the chumps who still still have their heads up Trumps ass on his side...so...

How does it smell up there, Grump?

No, no, no! We only have the attorneys word she took and passed the test. We have not seen the questions asked or her answers if she did take one. So that test proves nothing. Give her a test by an independent tester then and only then will we know the truth.
Any bets she would refuse?

*You asked about the smell. The rotten stench of a Democrat smear job permeates this entire circus.*******
Yea I believe you do know that I and every other thinking person knows this is nothing but more bullshit. I'll support Kavanaugh taking a lie detector test if Ford is willing to take another one given by the same operator chosen by the Republicans while facing Kavanaugh in the same room at the same time as he does. Then we will truly see who is telling the truth. Are you willing to do that?

How about the FBI supplies the lie detector test.Certainly not the Republicans,that's conflict of interest!
And why should he? It isn't his responsibility to prove his innocence. It is the responsibility of the accusers side to prove his guilt. That is something you seem to have forgotten.

So you're against new employees having to prove they aren't drug users!By drug test
No, no, no! We only have the attorneys word she took and passed the test. We have not seen the questions asked or her answers if she did take one. So that test proves nothing. Give her a test by an independent tester then and only then will we know the truth.
Any bets she would refuse?

Actually...we have the word of the tester...an ex FBI agent.

My bet...she would take another test in a heartbeat.

My other bet...Kavanaugh will not take a test no matter what.

*You asked about the smell. The rotten stench of a Democrat smear job permeates this entire circus.*******

I was talking about the smell from up Donald Trump's ass...where you have your head ensconced.
hey shit stain, I don't agree with punishing adolescent kids for their actions as minors 30 some years later.

You had your chance pretending to care abut these things when Bill Clinton was raping his way across the states, or was found abusing his power to play with barely 20 year old interns

so fuck off shit bag. you lost credibility on these issues. go sit down and let the adults handle things.

No, no, no! We only have the attorneys word she took and passed the test. We have not seen the questions asked or her answers if she did take one. So that test proves nothing. Give her a test by an independent tester then and only then will we know the truth.
Any bets she would refuse?

*You asked about the smell. The rotten stench of a Democrat smear job permeates this entire circus.*******

So you're against new employees having to prove they aren't drug users!By drug test

How many times do you have to be told that lie detector tests are extremely unreliable and because of that, aren't used in a court of law? Is your brain so small it is incapable of processing even the most basic information?
I personally do not want any far rigtwing nutjob on the court.

But you know what's worse than that?

Having an emotionally unstable, blubbering, alleged rapist, liar, dry drunk incapable of self-control on the highest court in the land.



What makes him a far right nut job? Is the job a Supreme Court justice to make sure the appropriate policy is approved?
Neither do I.

fucking liar

So if he did it and just said he did and has reformed...I would have no problem

fucking idiot

But he is saying all sorts of shit that obviously are lies...and I am guessing he is lying about the assault...and essentially calling his victim a liar. I think he victimized her then...and is victimizing her again now.

fucking nostrodumbass

He's a piece of shit.

fucking hypocrite

He not only should not be on the SCOTUS...he should lose his present judgeship.

fucking hilarious temper tantrum

What makes you think I didn't????

because you are a fucking partisan douchebag.