If the shoe were on the other foot, what then?????

Did Trump allow girls to pour buckets of piss on his head?

You tell me!

Keep up the good work domer! nothing better than leftist antics to prove who they really are, folks with no soul, no answers, no logic, no civility, no honesty and only childish silly intellectually bankrupted sandbox actions!!!!!

“If” pigs were invisible, pork prices “would” be much higher. Don’t you agree?

“If/would” = fairytale. :rofl2:
I expect them to do exactly what they're doing. They can't give a rational honest response to anything negative they cheer happening to Trump if we just switch his name to Hillary. It totally befuddles them and angers them to the point of outrage, insults and off topic unfounded and irrelevant accusations and rants. It's humorous to say the least!!!!!!

Humorous and predictable lol.

We all know how the left would react if the shoe was on the other foot. So do the lefties.

The interesting part is why it would never, ever, happen. It would mean the same cast of weasels who exonerated Hillary would open an investigation on her based on an unverified document that ultimately came from Russian intelligence sources.

NASA would land a man on Pluto before that would have happened.