If the world stopped spinning..

We are not orbiting the earth, unless we are within the inertial mass of something that is also orbiting the earth.

Air is effected by the same rotational effect we are and it is not "orbiting" the planet, it is too close to the central mass to be orbiting.

We are well within the gravity well that would allow us to orbit the earth, because of that we follow the inertia of the surface, we are not "orbiting" on the surface.

the entire earth and everything on it is orbiting around the earths central mass.
you are limiting your thought processes too much.
Anyway, if the Earth suddenly and immediately stopped we'd continue to travel along the surface at the same speed of the former rotation because of the conservation of momentum (not because we are "orbiting" on the surface).

We'd fly into the wall of the nearest building at 1.5 times the speed of sound as that same building was ripped from its foundation because of the same conservation of momentum. The oceans would wash up onto shore, the wind would be intense because it too would still rotate. It would be one giant earthquake, windstorm, flood all at once.
the entire earth and everything on it is orbiting around the earths central mass.
you are limiting your thought processes too much.
Because I am limiting it to the laws of physics. We are too far within the gravity well to be orbiting.

You aren't listening because you want to believe that somebody else doesn't know more than you do about something.
So damo if the earth spun fast enough it would not sling us off?
No, escape velocity is far higher than the 1.5 times the speed of sound we would suddenly find ourselves traveling at because of the conservation of momentum. We'd never even get off the surface.
Newton Pwns damo :clink:

Newton described the role of centrifugal force upon the height of the oceans near the equator in the Principia:

COR. Since the centrifugal force of the parts of the earth, arising from the earth's diurnal motion, which is to the force of gravity as 1 to 289, raises the waters under the equator to a height exceeding that under the poles by 85472 Paris feet, as above, in Prop. XIX., the force of the sun, which we have now shewed to be to the force of gravity as 1 to 12868200, and therefore is to that centrifugal force as 289 to 12868200, or as 1 to 44527, will be able to raise the waters in the places directly under and directly opposed to the sun to a height exceeding that in the places which are 90 degrees removed from the sun only by one Paris foot and 113 V inches ; for this measure is to the measure of 85472 feet as 1 to 44527.

– Newton: Principia Corollary to Book II, Proposition XXXVI. Problem XVII

The effect of centrifugal force in countering gravity, as in this behavior of the tides, has led centrifugal force sometimes to be called "false gravity" or "imitation gravity" or "quasi-gravity".[49]


You know in all the undewater Couestau films I have never seen strings holding all those molecules of water.
Newton Pwns damo :clink:

Newton described the role of centrifugal force upon the height of the oceans near the equator in the Principia:

COR. Since the centrifugal force of the parts of the earth, arising from the earth's diurnal motion, which is to the force of gravity as 1 to 289, raises the waters under the equator to a height exceeding that under the poles by 85472 Paris feet, as above, in Prop. XIX., the force of the sun, which we have now shewed to be to the force of gravity as 1 to 12868200, and therefore is to that centrifugal force as 289 to 12868200, or as 1 to 44527, will be able to raise the waters in the places directly under and directly opposed to the sun to a height exceeding that in the places which are 90 degrees removed from the sun only by one Paris foot and 113 V inches ; for this measure is to the measure of 85472 feet as 1 to 44527.

– Newton: Principia Corollary to Book II, Proposition XXXVI. Problem XVII

The effect of centrifugal force in countering gravity, as in this behavior of the tides, has led centrifugal force sometimes to be called "false gravity" or "imitation gravity" or "quasi-gravity".[49]


You know in all the undewater Couestau films I have never seen strings holding all those molecules of water.
However, Einstein effectively explained how Newton was incorrect on many things.

But, again, we wouldn't be "flung" off into the atmosphere, and because we travel at the velocity of the surface travel is possible etc. Because air does as well rather than orbit speed at the level of the surface we are not constantly barraged by wind.

Now the surface of the earth is effected by centrifugal force, but you would not be.

If you landed on a planet with no spin and the same mass as the earth, you would weigh exactly the same as you do here.

You are not traveling on an invisible tether at the center of gravity and at the velocity it would take to orbit such a mass this close to the center. You simply are not.

This has to be embaressing for an engineer vs an undegreed old fart.
Read the rest of the post.

When you are on the surface of the ocean you will rise and fall with the ocean, not because of centrifugal force on your body. Because the ocean is, like the surface, "set" it is more effected by centrifugal force.

And if you don't know why the theory of relativity was so controversial, it is because it effectively described the space/time continuum and showed how gravity was caused by being pressed down towards a mass that is large enough to change space itself.
Again, you attempt to describe what you see as "common sense", but it is simply wrong.

You are not "lighter" because of "centrifugal force" because the earth rotates.
thanks damo, it's amazing how many stupid people we have to correct on this.

It's like trying to describe to Brent why his "internal surface" living wouldn't work and that you'd actually be weightless not pushed outwards towards the surface because of centrifugal force in his model.
The article I posted clearly stated the effect of centrifugal force on the ocean. It effects all levels of the earth and everything on it except the exact center of the gravitaitional mass of the earth.
Well are you heavier in the arctic than on the equator USC?
Exactly. You are, by a miniscule amount. The idea that centrifugal force would suddenly fling you into space is preposterous, or that we are "orbiting". You travel with the surface, not at the center of gravity orbiting in different directions as you see fit.

If the earth slowed down to a stop, you would not be noticeably heavier than you are today and as long as the earth and the sun were still orbiting there would still be tides and winds.

Unfortunately the people on one side would die from the heat, and those on the other from the cold....
Exactly. You are, by a miniscule amount. The idea that centrifugal force would suddenly fling you into space is preposterous, or that we are "orbiting". You travel with the surface, not at the center of gravity orbiting in different directions as you see fit.

If the earth slowed down to a stop, you would not be noticeably heavier than you are today and as long as the earth and the sun were still orbiting there would still be tides and winds.

Unfortunately the people on one side would die from the heat, and those on the other from the cold....

And the people in between would be subject to some of the fastest winds ever seen, as the hot air went to the cool. It's possible that the heat transfer would keep some areas in between at the right temperature to live in.
"you would not be noticeably heavier than you are today "

I did not say noticebly, you are spinning now damo.
Crawfish alert!
And the people in between would be subject to some of the fastest winds ever seen, as the hot air went to the cool. It's possible that the heat transfer would keep some areas in between at the right temperature to live in.
I don't know if anybody would be able to survive the winds at the surface. Or if they'd be "flung into space" because of the magic of centrifugal force.

I don't know if anybody would be able to survive the winds at the surface. Or if they'd be "flung into space" because of the magic of centrifugal force.


I have no idea how fast the winds could be; they could be supersonic at the border. Or tolerble at the border and livable beyond.

I'm not entirely certain where thorn got that we'd be flung out into space. It's true that if it all stopped at once we'd die because we'd be flung west at supersonic speeds. If the stop were gradual then the heating/cooling/wind situation would probably take us out if there weren't any moderate areas.