If the Zelenskies use US long range missiles inside Russia- where will the Russian nuke first ?


Satire for Sanity
Zelensky is no longer president of Ukraine- he is a war-lord. His tenure has ended.

What would Washington- or London/Paris do if a war-lord was striking them with missiles provided by Russia ?


Zelensky is no longer president of Ukraine- he is a war-lord. His tenure has ended.

What would Washington- or London/Paris do if a war-lord was striking them with missiles provided by Russia ?


Russia isn't going to use nukes because they know that the US would turn their country into a wasteland if they did.
Russia isn't going to use nukes because they know that the US would turn their country into a wasteland if they did.
On what pretext ?

A US attack on Russia would be a ' first strike '.

Just how keen are you on being vaporized for Zelensky's desire to be a European ?
What is Russia’s nuclear stockpile?
Russia’s total nuclear stockpile is larger than the United States’, at around 6,250 total nuclear warheads, according to the Arms Control Association. The US has more than 5,500.

Most of those warheads in both countries are not deployed on missiles or at bases. According to an assessment by the Arms Control Association, in terms of deployed nuclear warheads:

Russia has 1,458 warheads on 527 intercontinental ballistic missiles, submarine-launched missiles and bombers.
The US has 1,389 warheads on 665 intercontinental ballistic missiles, submarine-launched missiles and bombers.
No other country known or thought to have nuclear weapons – the United Kingdom, France, Israel, Pakistan, India, China and North Korea – has anywhere near those numbers of warheads.


If the Zelenskies use US long range missiles inside Russia- where will the Russians nuke first ?​

Conventional ' wisdom ' says multiple military targets across Ukraine with low-yield battlefield tactical nuclear weapons.

Would that be one or two ' demonstration ' warning strikes or would they unload across the entire military spectrum of Ukraine and end the conflict immediately ? That's the choices. There's no doubt that they're on the table in the Kremlin- just as they would be in Washington.

Next consideration- would US nuke commanders obey a strike order from a geriatric dotard with two months left in office ? I'm a sane person- and I most certainly would not. Biden has already confirmed himself that he is unfit to lead.
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It's not happening.
You mean that Western states are not going to let Zelensky use their long-range missiles on Russia ? We'd better hope not. It would leave the Russians no choice- as they firmly stated before this fiasco started.
You mean that Western states are not going to let Zelensky use their long-range missiles on Russia ? We'd better hope not. It would leave the Russians no choice- as they firmly stated before this fiasco started.
Russia using nukes is not happening. It would be a death sentence and even crazy dictators don't want to die.
Russia using nukes is not happening. It would be a death sentence and even crazy dictators don't want to die.
Something has to be done to awaken the USA to the consequences of nuclear war with Russia. Be certain- the West will not win it. Solution- avoid it.
Russia isn't going to use nukes because they know that the US would turn their country into a wasteland if they did.
Are you nuts? Do you really thing Putin is deterred by that?

Trump was right when he said this administration is going to start WW3.

We need to take out the dwarfish dictator in Ukraine and end this debacle.
Are you nuts? Do you really thing Putin is deterred by that?

Trump was right when he said this administration is going to start WW3.

We need to take out the dwarfish dictator in Ukraine and end this debacle.
"Are you nuts? Do you really thing Putin is deterred by that?"

Yes, he doesn't want to be turned to dust, nor does he want to rule over a country where the entire population is dead.

Mutual assured destruction (MAD) is a military strategy that aims to prevent nuclear weapons from being used by threatening a devastating nuclear response if one side attacks first. The idea is that neither side would use nuclear weapons because both would be completely destroyed in the conflict.

MAD is most commonly associated with the Cold War, the conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union from 1945–1991. The fear of MAD helped prevent the Cold War from turning into a hot war.

MAD is still in operation today between the nuclear forces of the U.S. and Russia, but there are no longer any functioning nuclear arms control treaties between the two countries. In February 2023, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that he was suspending Russia's participation in the New START treaty, the only remaining treaty between the two countries.
It isn't a matter of what Putin thinks- it's a matter of what circumstances compel him to do.
Russia does not need to ever use Nukes!

Nukes are useless because they are Suicidal. You launch one- one will be returned in favor!

Today, Russia, China, the US, and most NATO countries have Supersonic missiles that are very devastating, destructive, and very difficult to be shot down.

Russia has already attacked Kiev with them. So if Putin is going to up the anti, and start using Supersonic Missiles on the Ukraine, the US will have to supply the Ukraine with them as well.

Two can play this game!

If the Zelenskies use US long range missiles inside Russia​

Why would Zelenskyy use long range missiles inside Russia? All of European Russia(and most of Siberia) is within range of intermediate range missiles fired from Ukraine. Yes, parts are Siberia are beyond 5,500 kilometers away, but only a tiny part of Eastern Siberia. Why bother with using long range missiles?

Why use American missiles? Ukraine has an aerospace industry from the Soviet Union. While it has been allowed to rot recently, it is still decades, if not centuries, ahead of the Houthis. They could produce their own missiles using easily available parts.

Your hypothetical makes no sense. Let's talk about a real possibility. If the Ukrainians use intermediate range missiles produced in Ukraine, with parts bought on the open market, to hit targets in Russia, what then? I would assume that Russia would continue to fire missiles at Ukraine, though they might expand the war. Ukraine has already fired drones, and cruise missiles into Moscow, so there is precedent for saying things would not get worse.