Fentoine Lum
Verified User
Wahabbis were NOT involved in 9-11.. OBL was Deobandi and followed Sayiid Qubt.. That's why his citizenship was revoked in 1994.
How many Saudis on them TTT suicide planes pard?
Wahabbis were NOT involved in 9-11.. OBL was Deobandi and followed Sayiid Qubt.. That's why his citizenship was revoked in 1994.
How many Saudis on them TTT suicide planes pard?
I am Episcopalian who rejects the Scofield heresy which is the foundation of Evangelism. Do you believe in the Rapture? Do you believe there will be a third temple?
How many Saudis on them TTT suicide planes pard?
I believe the fact that we even have a nation of Israel in the Middle East nowadays is the misguided attempt of such zionists to try to help God out in 1948. Just look at the trouble that has caused.