If These Exit Polls Are Accurate I was CORRECT & The Naysayers Are Eating Crow.


Senior Member
It appears that this election is breaking for the Democrats:

EXIT POLLS (WITH A GRAIN OF SALT) AND MORE: SENATE EXIT POLLS AS OF 5:30 EST: Democrats Leading: Virginia (D52-R47), Rhode Island (D53-R46), Pennsylvania (D57-R42), Ohio (D57-R43), New Jersey (D52-R45), Montana (D53-R46), Missouri (D50-R48), Maryland (D53-R46)…GOP Leading: Tennessee (R51-D48), Arizona (R50-D46)
Hooray for your ego!

No Hurray for America; the Republicans have done nothing but FUCK this country up for the last six years. It was way past time to flush their arrogant and corrupt asses down history's toilet!!!!!
Let's keep in mind, we don't go by the results of the exit poll.

If the exit polls reflect the same kind of biased shift of 2004, 1998 and 1992, the Republicans won all the races by a couple of percent. It's way too early to cue the balloon drop, and the exit polls are not going to be reliable here.
No Hurray for America; the Republicans have done nothing but FUCK this country up for the last six years. It was way past time to flush their arrogant and corrupt asses down history's toilet!!!!!

Yeah, but the main point is that the stupid naysayers who said you were wrong,were wrong themselves!!!1! Hooray!
one of the few times I'll agree with Dixie. Way too early to be reading much iinto early exit polls.

But, whatever happens, remember that in 2004 the Democratic Party was written off as a viable party. They were basically a regional party of the northeast and west coast - one that couldn't ever get a majority in congress. The republicans basically had a "permanent" majority.

And Dixie was placing bets mere months ago, that the Dems wouldn't win a single seat in the house or senate.

Let's keep in mind, we don't go by the results of the exit poll.

If the exit polls reflect the same kind of biased shift of 2004, 1998 and 1992, the Republicans won all the races by a couple of percent. It's way too early to cue the balloon drop, and the exit polls are not going to be reliable here.

Those races were much closer and if you check these exit pols the Dems are leading by way more than 2 or 3 points. Generally by five points or more, and the percentage of people who say they voted on national rather than local issues is something like 63 to 35 percent. We'll see who eats crow. I bet I'm drinking champaign!!!
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Indications are good for round one of the fall of the Bush/Republican machine. remember, more to follow during the coming years.
Those races were much closer and if you check these exit pols the Dems are leading by way more than 2 or 3 poinrts. Generally by five points or more, and the percentage of people who say they voted on national rather than local issues is something like 63 to 35 percent. We'll see who eats crow. I bet I'm drinking champaign!!!

Might want to learn how to spell champagne, first.

I distinctly recall Kerry having a 7 percent lead in exit polls he lost. I also recall Clinton winning by 6% when the exit poll said 13%. It is widely accepted, Republicans are less enthused about talking to the exit pollster, perhaps because they are conservative and don't believe in sharing how they voted with others.

But please, pop the cork! Hell, go ahead and drop the balloons and sing "Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow!" One thing I love to watch, is Democrats who celebrate too early!
Yeah, but the main point is that the stupid naysayers who said you were wrong,were wrong themselves!!!1! Hooray!

I don't think it's that at all. Let's face it, dems, liberals, progressives, leftists, whatever you want to group them as, have been afraid to come out and predict the dems would take the Senate. Most of them it's because they're afraid they'll have to eat crow.

For me, it's not because of that. It's because I don't want to jinx it. That's how I am. If I'm getting on a plane, I say it's probably going to crash. If I get a strange pain or a lingering cough, I say, it's probably cancer. Because I always think that if I don't say the worst, then the worst will happen. So that is why I have been afraid to say we'll take the Senate.

But for most it's been to save face if they're wrong. He's just exburerant. And not afraid of losing face. He could still be wrong.
Those races were much closer and if you check these exit pols the Dems are leading by way more than 2 or 3 poinrts. Generally by five points or more, and the percentage of people who say they voted on national rather than local issues is something like 63 to 35 percent. We'll see who eats crow. I bet I'm drinking champaign!!!

Might want to learn how to spell champagne, first.

I distinctly recall Kerry having a 7 percent lead in exit polls he lost. I also recall Clinton winning by 6% when the exit poll said 13%. It is widely accepted, Republicans are less enthused about talking to the exit pollster, perhaps because they are conservative and don't believe in sharing how they voted with others.

But please, pop the cork! Hell, go ahead and drop the balloons and sing "Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow!" One thing I love to watch, is Democrats who celebrate too early!

You're full of shit. You're a blind partisan who has sold democracy down the toilet.

If this wave is big enough, your little minions won't be able to steal it.

And you can kiss Ohio goodbye ini 08, you fuckers. And it was stolen. Anyone who doesn't know it is a blind moron.

When they called the governer's race in Ohio, that was the biggest win of the night for Dems. Some of us know it. In 08? You'll all know it.
Well I dont think I can top that reply to Dix... so I guess I will just add my endorsement to Darla ;)
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You're full of shit. You're a blind partisan who has sold democracy down the toilet. If this wave is big enough, your little minions won't be able to steal it.And you can kiss Ohio goodbye ini 08, you fuckers. And it was stolen. Anyone who doesn't know it is a blind moron.When they called the governer's race in Ohio, that was the biggest win of the night for Dems. Some of us know it. In 08? You'll all know it.

Democrats always do better at getting out the "dead vote".