If These Exit Polls Are Accurate I was CORRECT & The Naysayers Are Eating Crow.

You're full of shit. You're a blind partisan who has sold democracy down the toilet. If this wave is big enough, your little minions won't be able to steal it.And you can kiss Ohio goodbye ini 08, you fuckers. And it was stolen. Anyone who doesn't know it is a blind moron.When they called the governer's race in Ohio, that was the biggest win of the night for Dems. Some of us know it. In 08? You'll all know it.

Democrats always do better at getting out the "dead vote".

Anyone who voted straight Republican ticket as a "protest vote" because the Democrats were "selling out [their] principles" better learn how to spell because they sure don't know how to think.
Webb's ahead in Virginia; McCaskill has taken a lead in Missouri and Testor is leading in Montana. If those leads hold, it will be sweeter than honey tomorrow morning. Some of you people better get you bibs on cause you're gonna be eating crow. I have mine here in reserve, just in case, but it looks like the Democrats sweep out the Republicans but good.

And the later it gets the better it looks. In fact it is being confirmed even as I write this. The Democrats Have Retaken the House and Senate. Rove is a loser!!!!!
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Ill be happy to eat Crow, Cuz I said the DEmocrats could not get the Senate... I was wrong...this is MAJOR!
