Just getting back to The American Way and cleaning out the corruption.
If it was the 1800s, motherfuckers should hang, but that's unlikely to happen.
There's no time for much "retribution", things just need fixed as much as possible.
Leftist shitlords (like you) will still howl like Howler Monkeys, but wtf ever.
Oh and uh. "Asylum Seekers"? All of them, that crashed our borders, need to be deported ASAP, and every last fucking one of them.
And Go Fuck Yourself with a cactus.
I say just pick a place and send them all there , no matter where they're from. Let them figure it out from there, they sure enough figured out to jump the US Border (well that ain't rocket surgery with a duty-shirking president). Just S. of Mexico, Gaza strip? IDGAF. How about Somalia?
Yemen, maybe?