But white people still want to have kids. They're saying the reason they can't is because they're still in debt.
Trickle down economics and endless wars cause wages to drop. It's not that they raised the cost of living, it's that they caused decreased wages and higher unemployment. It's no coincidence that every time we have a Republican president, there's a recession.
First of all, the Democrats are not Leftists. They're Centrists who lean to the Left on certain issues, but when it comes to economics, they're very Capitalist. It's only now that we're starting to see true left-wing economics in the DNC.
Secondly, Republicans are very selective when it comes to freedom of association. They'll fight for the right to discriminate against gays, but they never fight for the right for white people to have white businesses, white schools, white neighborhoods, and so on. I'll grant you that Republicans are generally less in favor of affirmative action, but does it matter? If the Jewish media showcases a business that only hires white people and uses typical Jew propaganda to demonize that business, Republicans are not going to stand up and defend said business. They're going to stand back and allow the law to force the business to hire non-white people. Maybe they'll even shout "dEmS aRe ThE rEaL rAcIsTs!" a few times.
Even Jordan Peterson, who pretends to be a rebel against "Postmodernism," whatever the fuck that is, said he supports the right for a company to not do business with gay or trans people. But when he was asked about a company not doing business with black people, he said he's against that, and he may have to reevaluate his ideas. That pretty much sums up the Right on race.