If you are going to cave... do it on a Friday afternoon.


Well-known member
So, Friday starting a holiday weekend....

The poll numbers that came out last night and this morning will show you why the Republicans are now running as fast from this shutdown as possible..

Was Ted Cruz a Democratic plant? Was he a Republican plant to do away with the Tea Party? Or is he just that dumb?
So, Friday starting a holiday weekend....

The poll numbers that came out last night and this morning will show you why the Republicans are now running as fast from this shutdown as possible..

Was Ted Cruz a Democratic plant? Was he a Republican plant to do away with the Tea Party? Or is he just that dumb?

He's that dumb.

Funny, I don't see the premise of Geruds' thread anywhere in that linked story...

The linked story says this:

Officials say House Republicans are offering to pass legislation to avert a default and end the partial government shutdown as part of a package that includes cuts in benefit programs.

Senior aides to Speaker John Boehner and Majority Leader Eric Cantor outlined the proposal at a late-night White House meeting Thursday with senior administration officials.

In addition to ending the shutdown and increasing the debt limit, the proposal includes an easing of the across-the-board spending cuts that began taking effect a year ago, and replacing them with curbs in benefit programs that Obama himself has backed.

Among them is a plan to raise the cost of Medicare for better-off beneficiaries.

The officials spoke on condition of anonymity, saying they were not authorized to discuss private deliberations.

But Gerud said this:
So, Friday starting a holiday weekend....The poll numbers that came out last night and this morning will show you why the Republicans are now running as fast from this shutdown as possible..Was Ted Cruz a Democratic plant? Was he a Republican plant to do away with the Tea Party? Or is he just that dumb?

This one doesn't mirror Gerud's text, either:

House Republicans have sent the White House a revised proposal to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks, as well as reopen government through December 15th, which was their original spending proposal before the partial shutdown. The revised GOP plan reflects the demands Obama made in a meeting with House GOP Leaders on Thursday. It also reflects the unwillingness of the DC GOP to face a fiscal showdown with Democrats.
This one doesn't mirror Gerud's text, either:

House Republicans have sent the White House a revised proposal to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks, as well as reopen government through December 15th, which was their original spending proposal before the partial shutdown. The revised GOP plan reflects the demands Obama made in a meeting with House GOP Leaders on Thursday. It also reflects the unwillingness of the DC GOP to face a fiscal showdown with Democrats.

Have you no pride at all you defeated fucking loser?
Of course not. Have you ever?

What's that?

No smug comeback?

No taunting derision?

Maybe it's time for the Big Money Troll to go offline and think up another name he can come back and troll under for a few more weeks.

I'd suggest he try \\\\\///// but I think he wore that one out already.