If you are going to cave... do it on a Friday afternoon.

So, Friday starting a holiday weekend....

The poll numbers that came out last night and this morning will show you why the Republicans are now running as fast from this shutdown as possible..

Was Ted Cruz a Democratic plant? Was he a Republican plant to do away with the Tea Party? Or is he just that dumb?

I will ask the same question as I did the last time you made yourself look silly by claiming they had caved......does this mean Obama will agree and start his victory dance?......the last time you thought the Repubs had caved to his whims he apparently changed his whims, because he said no.......
I will ask the same question as I did the last time you made yourself look silly by claiming they had caved......does this mean Obama will agree and start his victory dance?......the last time you thought the Repubs had caved to his whims he apparently changed his whims, because he said no.......
1. I'm not the only one saying they caved, many of your fellow wacks are agreeing w me.
2. Just because the president does not accept the terms of surrender, does not mean they are not caving.
3. I've been right all along that they have been caving, from the first crack in there facade to the current crumble.

It looks like Obama intends to hold firm until they are rubble.
Nobody has "caved", have they?

Sure, the R's arnt even talking about Obamacare anymore. That's what they started this over... Now they keep giving up more and more. They will soon be offering more than Obama originally demanded.
Sure, the R's arnt even talking about Obamacare anymore. That's what they started this over... Now they keep giving up more and more. They will soon be offering more than Obama originally demanded.

What did Obama "originally" demand, Gerud?