If you believe in god, talk to god, or think god talks to you, you're literally crazy


on indefiniate mod break
Dixie used to say he talked to jesus in the shower, and that jesus talked back.

I mean honestly, we have people pretending to be rational when they believe in an INVISIBLE person from ANOTHER DIMENSION, who KNOWS everything, and he communicates to you. Likewise, these people will fold their hands and talk to this man, sometimes every night before sleep or meals.

If you replaced "god" with "invisible friend derek," you would be in a nuthouse.
Dixie used to say he talked to jesus in the shower, and that jesus talked back.

I mean honestly, we have people pretending to be rational when they believe in an INVISIBLE person from ANOTHER DIMENSION, who KNOWS everything, and he communicates to you. Likewise, these people will fold their hands and talk to this man, sometimes every night before sleep or meals.

If you replaced "god" with "invisible friend derek," you would be in a nuthouse.

Scend from Braveheart:

"God says he's pretty sure he can get me out of this; but you're fucked."
if you post to this board and think there are other people actually replying to you, you are crazy...after all, you've never met a single one of them.....
if you post to this board and think there are other people actually replying to you, you are crazy...after all, you've never met a single one of them.....

are you really this stupid or just incredibly intellectually dishonest?

Considering there has been 500k posts, intricate in conversation and continually in the know of current events, and seeing that there would be no AI sophisticated enough to churn something like that out, let alone a successful turing test yet, knowing there are other people on the other end is a very logical and sane conclusion.
are you really this stupid or just incredibly intellectually dishonest?

Considering there has been 500k posts, intricate in conversation and continually in the know of current events, and seeing that there would be no AI sophisticated enough to churn something like that out, let alone a successful turing test yet, knowing there are other people on the other end is a very logical and sane conclusion.

Maybe we're all the manifistations of a singel person with multiple personalities.
Kind of like uscitizen.

I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.
are you really this stupid or just incredibly intellectually dishonest?

Considering there has been 500k posts, intricate in conversation and continually in the know of current events, and seeing that there would be no AI sophisticated enough to churn something like that out, let alone a successful turing test yet, knowing there are other people on the other end is a very logical and sane conclusion.
Why wouldn't there?