If you believe in god, talk to god, or think god talks to you, you're literally crazy

it always amazes me how people think that believing in God means you're crazy....usually they use past examples of "gods".....ra, greek gods etc.....which have all been disproven...with science or facts.....

the thing about the christian, jewish god is......you cannot disprove him.

yet you all whine when others can't prove him to your scientific satisfaction. you think you have the absolute facts supporting you, but you don't and you know it. hence why you smear those who believe.....

you have an easier time dispelling other myths.....yet....science can't disprove God.......and yet here you are jumping up and down, dancing for joy that you have victory over the "idiots" who believe in God.
it always amazes me how people think that believing in God means you're crazy....usually they use past examples of "gods".....ra, greek gods etc.....which have all been disproven...with science or facts.....

Ra and greek gods have been disproven with "science and facts"? And the Christian god hasn't?

Do you read what you type?
yet you all whine when others can't prove him to your scientific satisfaction. you think you have the absolute facts supporting you, but you don't and you know it. hence why you smear those who believe.....

you have an easier time dispelling other myths.....yet....science can't disprove God.......and yet here you are jumping up and down, dancing for joy that you have victory over the "idiots" who believe in God.

What is absolute fact?

Do you deny there is any theory of knowledge through which we can reasonable ascertain the probability that something is correct? And that when something is horrendously improbable it is logically silly to believe in it? Science can't disprove god in the way that science can't prove we're not in the matrix. It would be silly to believe in either; there's no reason to believe in anything that's not falsifiable.
are you really this stupid or just incredibly intellectually dishonest?

Considering there has been 500k posts, intricate in conversation and continually in the know of current events, and seeing that there would be no AI sophisticated enough to churn something like that out, let alone a successful turing test yet, knowing there are other people on the other end is a very logical and sane conclusion.

Plus, Damo has names and addresses!
What is absolute fact?

Do you deny there is any theory of knowledge through which we can reasonable ascertain the probability that something is correct? And that when something is horrendously improbable it is logically silly to believe in it? Science can't disprove god in the way that science can't prove we're not in the matrix. It would be silly to believe in either; there's no reason to believe in anything that's not falsifiable.

some people believe that they think, therefore they are.....WM, applies the reverse....since he can't think, he believes nothing is......