If you believe in God, then you cannot believe in manmade global warm- Rush Limbaugh

lol.....people like you are the reason Limbaugh retains his audience......if there was no one to mock he wouldn't get away with it.....

You might be right, I want him to retain his audience, its good for the Democratic party to have an illustration of the wacko right.
Those religious climate-change-deniers are going to be in for a nasty surprise when they die and god tells them "why the frack didn't you listen to all the warnings I sent you about global climate change? you ruined my planet!"
of course, that's why it only falls where we want it and we haven't had a flood in fifty years (hint: that is also sarcasm.....it does not mean that I believe Obama can cause hurricanes.....had to point that out or one of you idiots would be quoting me next week and calling me a liar for saying it)......
Really? What about acid rain?
of course, that's why it only falls where we want it and we haven't had a flood in fifty years (hint: that is also sarcasm.....it does not mean that I believe Obama can cause hurricanes.....had to point that out or one of you idiots would be quoting me next week and calling me a liar for saying it)......

You, again, dropped context in order to distort my meaning and create a strawman. I clearly indicated that we have an impact but can't control it. You are not intellectually serious.