If you could change one thing about Republicans, what would it be?

Jade Dragon

And I'm the one that jaded you.
Name one thing you'd change. Don't say breathing stopped, or harm in anyway.
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Religious hypocricy.

I'd have to agree with this one. As a Christian myself I feel sick when those jerks in power, start dealing, and conniving behind a veil of supposed religious ideals. When they start to do, instead of just point the finger, I might feel less queasy.
Things that needs to change on both sides is lobbying, and lame support of sleazebags like Moore, and Wiener.
Military worship.

Lots of good responses. This one resonates the loudest though for me. The cost in human lives, and in money that could have been used to better our country in so many ways, is shameful and outrageous.

65,000 of our children, brothers, sisters, parents have died in pointless wars since the Korean War ended. Over 200,000 have been wounded since then, some so grievously that they've needed lifelong care and support. We have vets and military families on food stamp aid because of poor pay. We have homeless vets. And then there are the suicides. 20+ per day. Per day. (source: https://www.militarytimes.com/veter...dy-finds-20-veterans-commit-suicide-each-day/ )

Republicans, many of them, are infatuated with weaponry, military "glamour," battles, wars, combat, the idea that engaging in this behavior somehow equals strength. It does not. Strength isn't being the world's bully. It's having the courage to address the nation's needs and direct tax dollars there to truly build a stronger America. Infrastructure, health care, education, jobs -- these things are what lift us up.

Bombs and BFGs, not so much.
Name one thing you'd change. Don't say breathing stopped, or harm in anyway.

I would change "one thing".......I would ask they (those supposedly evil republicans) begin all conversations with liberals by asking one simple question. That question: "By what type of moral standing do you suggest that its OK to take a gun (threat by Government of fine and or prison by force).....and steal the personal earned income of another US Citizen and redistribute it to another US Citizen?"

Example: Demanding that the top earners of this nation pay for the personal responsibilities of other US CITIZENS, things that are not a RIGHT guaranteed by the Constitution...like housing, phones, healthcare (as no one has the right to threaten others with prison if they do not provide a personal service to others...as those others did not pay for the 8 years of medical school, etc. its socialized theft paramount to indentured servitude/slavery)

Again...its a simple question if Socialism is so noble....why the requirement to threaten people in order to take away their earned income? Charity is given not taken....by threats of prison and or violence.
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Again...its a simple question if Socialism is so noble....why the requirement to threaten people in order to take away their earned income? Charity is given not taken....by threats of prison and or violence.

No one is threatened with violence for not paying taxes, Ralph. However, you can face prison time if you don't.

I'm going to assume that you have a job, and that you probably get there either driving your own vehicle or riding a bus or commuter train. Who paid for the roads or rails you use? Who chipped in for the infrastructure that helps your office/plant/factory/whatever operate? Who makes sure that you're not forced to work 65 hours/week w/o OT pay? Who makes sure that your workplace doesn't contain hazardous materials?

Who paid for your education when you were a kid? How did you get to school? Where does the water you shower with come from, and who ensures that it isn't contaminated with bacteria or other toxins? How did your toilet's sewer pipes get there to take away your poop? Do you feel pretty safe in your home, knowing you have good cops and firefighters on hand if you need them? Ever have a headache or road rash or upset stomach? If so, do you feel pretty safe when you go to Walgreens and get something to treat it? I mean... you're pretty sure that the aspirin isn't tainted with something, right? Do you buy groceries? Do you feel pretty sure when you bring home those meats and veggies and such that they're safe to eat and won't make you sick? What about when you take your family out to dinner.... are you going to enjoy the evening knowing that the likelihood of you all getting food poisoning is pretty non-existent?

If you can answer yes to any or all of these questions.... welcome to America. It's a place where we all chip in via taxes to make life more pleasant, safer, and healthier for *all* of us. Not just me. Not just you. Not just Boris or Jose or Omar or Rachel or Josh. All of us.
Already did, and the message is thankfully gone. None of us need that twerps trolling.

*sigh* I had that thing on ignore when it first decided to mock indigenous people with its profile. Then saw a few posts that were quoted by others in reply that seemed that it had returned to rationality. Guess not.

As regards the ignore thing, looks like CFM has had multiple meltdowns over the fact that I have it on ignore too. Reason: use JPP's nifty search function and enter "cfm+nig**r" (spell the vile word out and don't use the quotes). The returns are all you need to know.
Name one thing you'd change. Don't say breathing stopped, or harm in anyway.

The biggest problems in movement conservatism are racial resentment, lack of empathy, and sexual repression.

If conservatives were forced to have Muslim neighbors, black neighbors, gay neighbors, and Hispanic neighbors for some period of time, it probably would dispel some of the resentment and homophobia they live with. Not to say there aren't Democrats who would learn from dealing with diversity, but Democrats aren't generally the problem at macro-scale.

As far as sex, I can't say this is universally true, but there is a lot of sexual repression and sexual resentment in the right wing. Maybe someone can give them dating tips? Cause I don't want to be the one to recommend prostitutes.
Lots of good responses. This one resonates the loudest though for me. The cost in human lives, and in money that could have been used to better our country in so many ways, is shameful and outrageous.

65,000 of our children, brothers, sisters, parents have died in pointless wars since the Korean War ended. Over 200,000 have been wounded since then, some so grievously that they've needed lifelong care and support. We have vets and military families on food stamp aid because of poor pay. We have homeless vets. And then there are the suicides. 20+ per day. Per day. (source: https://www.militarytimes.com/veter...dy-finds-20-veterans-commit-suicide-each-day/ )

Republicans, many of them, are infatuated with weaponry, military "glamour," battles, wars, combat, the idea that engaging in this behavior somehow equals strength. It does not. Strength isn't being the world's bully. It's having the courage to address the nation's needs and direct tax dollars there to truly build a stronger America. Infrastructure, health care, education, jobs -- these things are what lift us up.

Bombs and BFGs, not so much.
Not only that but I've worked as a contractor with the army. Never saw so much fraud, waste and abuse in my life .
I saw many enlisted and officers that reported for duty and literally did nothing the whole day. Many, many more accomplished in a full week what the contractors did in a day with the same duties. Payroll fraud was rampant for contractors that were family members of active duty.
I could discuss this for hrs.