If you could change one thing about Republicans, what would it be?

their blind worship of law enforcement as an entity separate from tyrannical government, the belief that they are what stands between oppression and freedom.
No one is threatened with violence for not paying taxes, Ralph. However, you can face prison time if you don't.

I'm going to assume that you have a job, and that you probably get there either driving your own vehicle or riding a bus or commuter train. Who paid for the roads or rails you use? Who chipped in for the infrastructure that helps your office/plant/factory/whatever operate? Who makes sure that you're not forced to work 65 hours/week w/o OT pay? Who makes sure that your workplace doesn't contain hazardous materials?

Who paid for your education when you were a kid? How did you get to school? Where does the water you shower with come from, and who ensures that it isn't contaminated with bacteria or other toxins? How did your toilet's sewer pipes get there to take away your poop? Do you feel pretty safe in your home, knowing you have good cops and firefighters on hand if you need them? Ever have a headache or road rash or upset stomach? If so, do you feel pretty safe when you go to Walgreens and get something to treat it? I mean... you're pretty sure that the aspirin isn't tainted with something, right? Do you buy groceries? Do you feel pretty sure when you bring home those meats and veggies and such that they're safe to eat and won't make you sick? What about when you take your family out to dinner.... are you going to enjoy the evening knowing that the likelihood of you all getting food poisoning is pretty non-existent?

If you can answer yes to any or all of these questions.... welcome to America. It's a place where we all chip in via taxes to make life more pleasant, safer, and healthier for *all* of us. Not just me. Not just you. Not just Boris or Jose or Omar or Rachel or Josh. All of us.

Of course Federal Agents do not carry weapons and use them for things like TAX COLLECTION and TAX EVASION....in departments like the DEA (which in reality is about untaxed and unclaimed income).....nor has the left ever ever invoked violence in their (wink wink) peaceful left wing marches on Wall Street where the objective is mandated INCOME REDISTRIBUTION....nope, none of these things are true. No one is forced by THREAT and actual violence to comply with the socialist agenda of INCOME REDISTRIBUTION.

And the attempt to equate Constitutional mandates of Security and Infrastructure with LEFT WING income redistribution like Obama Care....Cell phones for the hood, etc. is indeed laughable. Got any more RABBIT HOLES for defense and deflection?

As I said....lying and deflection is never beneath any evil leftist that supports the killing of children in the womb...the stealing of their neighbors wealth, porn as free speech....yep you certainly support MORALITY. :laugh:

Enlighten us....just how did the United States of America ever make it for almost 200 years before a "PROGRESSIVE" left wing tax system? There is a difference in fair and equal taxation for everyone. If 10% is good enough for God.....it should be good enough for you and your evil cohorts who have at times taxed income earners up to 90% and still stood with their hat in hand and cried, "MORE SOUP PLEASE." :( Poor little starving demonrats. JUST ASK JFK...who knew the truth. TAXES regardless of how high...do not stimulate a vibrant economy, it slows it down because no one has the incentive to actually earn when their neighbors are forced to support their very livelihoods. Just stay at home Vote demonrat...and collect your welfare and benefits for NOT WORKING. Lay with countless men.....and use your dependents as an ATM on the bank of WE THE PEOPLE.

And lets talk about EDUCATION. Why are the citizens forced to pay more for public education than any other nation on earth but come in 30th in the quality of that education? If TAX MONEY = EDUCATION? The numbers just don't add up....unless you are a demonrat bilking the system while making the TAX PAYER purchase votes to keep the same demonrats in political power.

The reality on how left wingers spent education tax money? CBS that very conservative think tank reveals the truth. I can see why your numbers are wrong. Being an indoctrinated left winger of our PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM....coming in at 31 world wide in MATH...lower than most 3rd world nations...its easy to see the confusion.

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No one is threatened with violence for not paying taxes, Ralph. However, you can face prison time if you don't.
this alone shows either your stupidity or your ignorance. EVERY interaction with the government comes with the IMPLICIT threat of death. it's why they have armed enforcement agents.

the rest of this just shows that you're an idiot with regards to how government deals with it's population.
Of course Federal Agents do not carry weapons and use them for things like TAX COLLECTION and TAX EVASION....in departments like the DEA (which in reality is about untaxed and unclaimed income).....nor has the left ever ever invoked violence in their (wink wink) peaceful left wing marches on Wall Street where the objective is mandated INCOME REDISTRIBUTION....nope, none of these things are true. No one is forced by THREAT and actual violence to comply with the socialist agenda of INCOME REDISTRIBUTION.

So.... how much of your personal money has been forcibly taken from you? Let me guess -- the same amount "they" have taken from me: zero. As for violence, I think both sides own that. Seems it wasn't that long ago that a skinhead hater ran over a crowd during a Nazi-White Supremacist rally in Virginia and killed someone and injured others.

Are you ready to talk about those roads, the infrastructure, education, libraries, fire and police departments and equipment, etc. that I mentioned? All those things our tax dollars buy for our communities? Guess not. You seem to be stuck on catch phrases and rhetoric rather than actual discussion.

And the attempt to equate Constitutional mandates of Security and Infrastructure with LEFT WING income redistribution like Obama Care....Cell phones for the hood, etc. is indeed laughable. Got any more RABBIT HOLES for defense and deflection?

Your nonsense about "Obamaphones" is just stupid, kid.

"Q: Has the Obama administration started a program to use "taxpayer money" to give free cell phones to welfare recipients?
A: No. Low-income households have been eligible for discounted telephone service for more than a decade. But the program is funded by telecom companies, not by taxes, and the president has nothing to do with it. "


As I said....lying and deflection is never beneath any evil leftist that supports the killing of children in the womb...the stealing of their neighbors wealth, porn as free speech....yep you certainly support MORALITY. :laugh:

Whatever are you babbling on about now? Any group of people who support perverts and pedophiles and endless war has no room to discuss morality. BTW, the large viewers of Internet porn, including gay porn, are Southern states. (source: https://www.dailydot.com/irl/which-state-watched-most-porn-2016/ )

Enlighten us....just how did the United States of America ever make it for almost 200 years before a "PROGRESSIVE" left wing tax system? There is a difference in fair and equal taxation for everyone. If 10% is good enough for God.....it should be good enough for you and your evil cohorts who have at times taxed income earners up to 90% and still held stood with their hat in hand and cried, "MORE SOUP PLEASE." :( Poor little starving demonrats.

It must be difficult for you to admit that everything that you have, including your education, is due to the largesse of your fellow citizens' taxes. Perhaps you would happier in a place like Somalia?

And lets talk about EDUCATION. Why are the citizens forced to pay more for public education than any other nation on earth but come in 30th in the quality of that education? If TAX MONEY = EDUCATION? The numbers just don't add up....unless you are a demonrat bilking the system while making the TAX PAYER purchase votes to keep the same demonrats in political power.

I'll agree that our education system needs a massive overhaul. One thing I'd really like to see gone is the "No Child Left Behind" mandated testing. Most teachers are against it. I'd also like to see us get rid of federal funds going to support private higher education "universities" -- it's a huge rip-off. What do you think?

The reality on how left wingers spent education tax money? CBS that very conservative think tank reveals the truth. I can see why your numbers are wrong. Being an indoctrinated left winger of our PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM....coming in at 31 world wide in MATH...lower than most 3rd world nations...its easy to see the confusion.

Um, what numbers of mine?
this alone shows either your stupidity or your ignorance. EVERY interaction with the government comes with the IMPLICIT threat of death. it's why they have armed enforcement agents.
the rest of this just shows that you're an idiot with regards to how government deals with it's population.

Oh good. Another moron's empty head for my Trophy Room Wall of Ignore. Goodbye, fucktard. Try not to shoot your thumbs off while polishing your bang-bang sticks.
So.... how much of your personal money has been forcibly taken from you? Let me guess -- the same amount "they" have taken from me: zero. As for violence, I think both sides own that. Seems it wasn't that long ago that a skinhead hater ran over a crowd during a Nazi-White Supremacist rally in Virginia and killed someone and injured others.

Are you ready to talk about those roads, the infrastructure, education, libraries, fire and police departments and equipment, etc. that I mentioned? All those things our tax dollars buy for our communities? Guess not. You seem to be stuck on catch phrases and rhetoric rather than actual discussion.

Your nonsense about "Obamaphones" is just stupid, kid.

"Q: Has the Obama administration started a program to use "taxpayer money" to give free cell phones to welfare recipients?
A: No. Low-income households have been eligible for discounted telephone service for more than a decade. But the program is funded by telecom companies, not by taxes, and the president has nothing to do with it. "


Whatever are you babbling on about now? Any group of people who support perverts and pedophiles and endless war has no room to discuss morality. BTW, the large viewers of Internet porn, including gay porn, are Southern states. (source: https://www.dailydot.com/irl/which-state-watched-most-porn-2016/ )

It must be difficult for you to admit that everything that you have, including your education, is due to the largesse of your fellow citizens' taxes. Perhaps you would happier in a place like Somalia?

I'll agree that our education system needs a massive overhaul. One thing I'd really like to see gone is the "No Child Left Behind" mandated testing. Most teachers are against it. I'd also like to see us get rid of federal funds going to support private higher education "universities" -- it's a huge rip-off. What do you think?

Um, what numbers of mine?

I get a government phone, but that's because I'm disabled, and on a limited income. It's the cheapest phone you can get at the time, but then I don't use phones unless it's for a phone call. You get a limited amount of minutes each month, and if you don't use it enough you can be cut from services.
I get a government phone, but that's because I'm disabled, and on a limited income. It's the cheapest phone you can get at the time, but then I don't use phones unless it's for a phone call. You get a limited amount of minutes each month, and if you don't use it enough you can be cut from services.

The links I looked at said the person gets around 60 minutes a month. Oh, and citizen tax dollars don't pay for them -- the telecoms do.

Just one more ridiculous lie from our selfish I-got-mine-so-fuck-you-all contards.
The links I looked at said the person gets around 60 minutes a month. Oh, and citizen tax dollars don't pay for them -- the telecoms do.

Just one more ridiculous lie from our selfish I-got-mine-so-fuck-you-all contards.

Yeah, it's pretty much just that.
*sigh* I had that thing on ignore when it first decided to mock indigenous people with its profile. Then saw a few posts that were quoted by others in reply that seemed that it had returned to rationality. Guess not.

As regards the ignore thing, looks like CFM has had multiple meltdowns over the fact that I have it on ignore too. Reason: use JPP's nifty search function and enter "cfm+nig**r" (spell the vile word out and don't use the quotes). The returns are all you need to know.

That is exactly the reason I have him on ignore and thread ban. Who needs that kind of crap in their threads? I just read where he told another poster that he'll say what he wants and no one's going to tell him otherwise. So if he allows himself to use all manner of racist language and trash talk, I allow myself to ban it from my threads.
That is exactly the reason I have him on ignore and thread ban. Who needs that kind of crap in their threads? I just read where he told another poster that he'll say what he wants and no one's going to tell him otherwise. So if he allows himself to use all manner of racist language and trash talk, I allow myself to ban it from my threads.

I've noticed over the years that one thing the truly mentally defective hate the most is being ignored. Darn. lol
So.... how much of your personal money has been forcibly taken from you? Let me guess -- the same amount "they" have taken from me: zero.

oh, wow. you sound just like the GW Bush supporters after 9/11, demanding to know what PERSONALLY has happened to someone, which really means that you're just an idiot who chooses to ignore reality for your delusional utopia of whatever.