If you could pass three pieces of federal legislation what would they be?

Is the fair tax the consumption tax?

That's a completely regressive bullshit tax. The uber wealthy have so much money they now use it mostly as a means of control. Their consumption does not nearly represent the amounst of ill gotten cash they use as means of dictating society's rules.
Not only the above, but tracking every retail purchase would require some sort of biochipping. Can you say "New World Order"?

When will libertarians grow up?
Is the fair tax the consumption tax?

That's a completely regressive bullshit tax. The uber wealthy have so much money they now use it mostly as a means of control. Their consumption does not nearly represent the amounst of ill gotten cash they use as means of dictating society's rules.
The current proposal has a generous deduction for the poor. *shrug*
Never mind the fact that their argument that this is not a regressive taxation system is just plain silly. Good God what the rich won't do to get out of paying taxes.
The largest single form of regressive taxation is "corporate" taxes. Pretending that such costs do not pass to the consumer, and thus cost the poor the most, is just sad pretense.
The largest single form of regressive taxation is "corporate" taxes. Pretending that such costs do not pass to the consumer, and thus cost the poor the most, is just sad pretense.

That's non-sense Damo! US "C" Corps pay on their Federal Taxable Income at a 35% rate. Which means they are fixed and proportional and not regresive.
That's non-sense Damo! US "C" Corps pay on their Federal Taxable Income at a 35% rate. Which means they are fixed and proportional and not regresive.
Business costs, including taxes, are passed on to the consumer. The idea that the corporation pays those without passing on those costs is just imaginary. The costs are passed on with no regression whatsoever, higher costs hurt the poor the most.

Basically "corporate taxes" are simply a hidden sales tax. The more we tax them the more we tax ourselves.
That's non-sense Damo! US "C" Corps pay on their Federal Taxable Income at a 35% rate. Which means they are fixed and proportional and not regresive.

it is absolute delusion to think that a company in search of profit is going to take it in the ass on a tax with the thought 'we cannot pass this on to the consumer'. any increase on the cost of business gets passed on to the consumer in the form of a higher priced product.
Who said anything about that? I said that the tax on corporate profits are not regressive. This laisseiz-faire argument that they are is BS.
Who said anything about that? I said that the tax on corporate profits are not regressive. This laisseiz-faire argument that they are is BS.
Again, ignoring real effect is pretense. Costs passed on to consumers is regressive, and it is stupid to pretend that this particular cost will never pass on.
It is regressive. The increased consumption of the very rich is not nearly proportional to the amount of increased income they derive from their fascism. Period. Exempting those below the poverty line completely does not change this fact.