if you dont stop them its collusion

I'm not fond of the word "collusion" because everyone overuses the word and because of the similarity to the word "collision". Why dont they just call it what it is?
Intelligence: Russians hacked RNC too, to hurt Clinton ...
Most Read Nation & World Stories. Had Clinton won, they believe, emails stolen from the DNC and from senior members of her campaign could have been used to undercut her legitimacy. The intelligence agencies’ conclusion that Russia tried to help Trump was first reported by The Washington Post.

GOP Emails Hacked by Russia in 2016| Are They Now Being ...

The stolen DNC emails were dated from January 2015 – May 2016; June & July 2016 – DCLeaks published DNC hacked emails; ... at the same time the DNC email servers were penetrated by Russian hackers, the RNC was also hacked, along with state level GOP organizations. Apparently, the RNC intrusion was an older server that was no longer in use ...

Report: Russian Hackers Had RNC Data But Didn't Release It

Report: Russian Hackers Had RNC Data But Didn't Release It. Officials said the hacks into the Republican committee took place in the spring, at the same time emails from the Democratic National Committee were stolen by hackers thought to be connected to Russian intelligence. It’s unclear what kind of information was stolen from the RNC,...

Exclusive: Emails of top NRCC officials stolen in major ...

Cybersecurity. Exclusive: Emails of top NRCC officials stolen in major 2018 hack. Republican leaders were not informed until POLITICO contacted committee officials about the incident.