Cancel 2020.1
why do you pretend racism is NOT racism?
I don't.
why do you pretend racism is NOT racism?
You people really and truly don't understand what racism means do you?
I don't.
go get one example of where I unfairly called something racism
why are you defending bigotry?
You have no idea what you're talking about. Again. We call ourselves African-Americans, because that is mostly where we hailed from, historically. You are loathe to call us Americans, and treat us like second class citizens, so we embraced the categorization and now you want to point fingers. Who is psycho here? It wouldn't be us.
why are you defending bigotry?
How is "gal" indicative of sexism? The same way that everything desh says is racist, actually IS racist?
Is it sexist to say "guy"?
You're a hoot, gal.
why do you hate facts?
is it because you are afraid of the truth?
maybe it cause your a sociopath
You know exactly what it is, and that's why you told me you "write things like that" for my benefit.
dear fucking idiot. YOUR idea of reasonableness and fairness is totally skewed and worthlessgo get one example of where I unfairly called something racism
I know exactly what the fuck I’m talking about and I[‘m proving my point with every post. The evidence is mine! You have none!
There’s hardly a black in America today that hails from Africa or has ever even been to Africa and black “DEMOCRATS” for the most part don’t even know where the fuck Africa is because Democrats of every race are fucking idiots.
Black Democrat idiots think they’re second-class citizens because their fucking task masters Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have convinced them they’re second-class citizens needing care and sustainment from their Democrat slave owning BIG fucking government masters.
The “Psycho” here is you for falling for the Democrat black slave owning scam.
dear fucking idiot. YOUR idea of reasonableness and fairness is totally skewed and worthless
You obviously have a mental disorder because you keep ranting about the particulars of reality. You don't give a shit about blacks, and so we have taken the "football", and ran with it, and here you are complaining that we did it for ourselves as it relates to education and the funding of it, and promoting civil rights and protecting them.
With debacles like the Trayvon Martin murder,
Really kind of simple...
I have - many times. But really, we need not go further than the OP of this thread.
You are a racebaiter extraordinairre. Outside of your prolific use of the "return" key, it is what you do best.
Thing1: "Gal" addressed to an adult woman is sexist.
Just accept it and move on.