If you voted for Bush Twice.....


Will work for Scooby snacks
Can you please outline what, if any, circumstances you’d actually vote for the nation’s interests, over your party’s interests? Here’s what I mean:

Probability modeling suggests that Bush has a 90% chance of going down as history’s worst two-term president ever. Possibly, even one of the worst of any president ever.

The collapse of America’s stature, moral authority, and leadership in the world is undeniable. Bush’s stewardship of both war, and fiscal policy, would, at a bare minimum, raise the eyebrows, and/or alarm of any of the previous 43 presidents.

I’m not looking for a: ”If only Democrats would have given us someone better than Gore or Kerry, I would have been glad to deny Bush the presidency!”. Fundamentally, its not the democrats responsibility to keep you from casting a vote for an incompetent moron.

I’m wondering, when you would, at a minimum, deny your vote to a man that clearly does very significant and long-lasting harm to the nation’s interests -- By denying him your vote – not even necessarily by voting for the Democrat; but, aka voting third party, or voting a write in candidate.



Can you please outline what, if any, circumstances you’d actually vote for the nation’s interests, over your party’s interests? Here’s what I mean:

Probability modeling suggests that Bush has a 90% chance of going down as history’s worst two-term president ever. Possibly, even one of the worst of any president ever.

The collapse of America’s stature, moral authority, and leadership in the world is undeniable. Bush’s stewardship of both war, and fiscal policy, would, at a bare minimum, raise the eyebrows, and/or alarm of any of the previous 43 presidents.

I’m not looking for a: ”If only Democrats would have given us someone better than Gore or Kerry, I would have been glad to deny Bush the presidency!”. Fundamentally, its not the democrats responsibility to keep you from casting a vote for an incompetent moron.

I’m wondering, when you would, at a minimum, deny your vote to a man that clearly does very significant and long-lasting harm to the nation’s interests -- By denying him your vote – not even necessarily by voting for the Democrat; but, aka voting third party, or voting a write in candidate.




I don't love bush, but every "fact" you have asserted is debatable.

What if "our respect in the world" is just a function of how much we do what other people want? Being loved by all and abandoning policies which are pro american, is no virtue.
I don't love bush, but every "fact" you have asserted is debatable.

Not really. Not if you choose to debate using empirical evidence, rather than opinion gleaned from the Rush Limbaugh show.

Every single poll done internationally, shows empirically that America is despised, or at best not respected. Our alliances have been weakened, our moral authority and leadership comprimised. These are undeniable facts to all, but the most devoted, kool aid drinking bush-worshipper.

The incompetence when it comes to the nations fiscal house, is pretty straightforward. Its a mathematical fact. Bush fucked up. Big time.

Lastly, anybody who denies Bush's astonishing incompetence in war, is a worse kook-aid guzzler than Dixie.
I don't love bush, but every "fact" you have asserted is debatable.

Not really. Not if you choose to debate using empirical evidence, rather than opinion gleaned from the Rush Limbaugh show.

Every single poll done internationally, shows empirically that America is despised, or at best not respected. Our alliances have been weakened, our moral authority and leadership comprimised. These are undeniable facts to all, but the most devoted, kool aid drinking bush-worshipper.

The incompetence when it comes to the nations fiscal house, is pretty straightforward. Its a mathematical fact. Bush fucked up. Big time.

Lastly, anybody who denies Bush's astonishing incompetence in war, is a worse kook-aid guzzler than Dixie.

I question the value of being well liked. Have you ever known a "people pleaser"? Losers with no core self.

His tax cuts were a good thing. No doubt about it. That's a fact.

The war has gone okay, but I do think we didn't think through the civil war that would occur after saddam.

Please debate intelligently, don't posit opinion as fact, and learn that what others think isn't always the measure of a man, or a nation, considering the conflict of interests.
a quote from asshat seems appropriate about now:

every "fact" you have asserted is debatable

what the fuck? who made YOU the fucking final arbiter as to FACTS?

Yeah, everyone else has an opinion, an idiotic one at that, only AHZ has "the facts'.

I've noticed that too.
Yeah, everyone else has an opinion, an idiotic one at that, only AHZ has "the facts'.

I've noticed that too.

An opinion poll is a measure of opinion. I question whether the opinions of non-americans are a measure we should care about.

Instead of slinging poo, get an argument.
The tax cuts were good, while spending like a drunken sailor ? I do have to question that wisdom.
Tax increases will be needed because of Bush's spending.
this thread typify's the pussy dukakis male type the dems need to get a way from.
shitloads of people got rich under Bush's two terms, don't forget most want too.

A lot of the wussy dems are getting over confident about kicking some republican ass in 08 and it looks like they will.
I'm hoping they will begin to speak to the upper middle class more or they may YET AGAIN SNATCH DEFEAT FROM THE JAWS OF VICOTROY.

Now I'll look forward, who the dems gonna put up to beat Rudy?:pke:
An opinion poll is a measure of opinion. I question whether the opinions of non-americans are a measure we should care about.

Instead of slinging poo, get an argument.

and I questioned whether your assertions that Bush tax cuts being a "good thing" were a "fact" as you claimed, or just a debatable opinion. douchebag
your a pussy democrat, I wouldn't expect you too.
If Clinton gave you the same tax cut you'd lick his balls.:pke:
Chevrons income WTF?
Watch some business news your dork, most economist are very much in support of tax cuts as are the tax payers getting them.
Mostly jaded turbo-libs not making much or with the prospect of making much that are against.
I am doing fine Spin in 5 years my net worth is expected to exceed 1 million. Depends somewhat on property values, not housing values.
Not bad from broke 5 years ago....

I am still against the tax cuts for the top 1%.
your a pussy democrat, I wouldn't expect you too.
If Clinton gave you the same tax cut you'd lick his balls.:pke:

Top, why don't you use the quote function, or at least mention a name?

I knew I posted on this thread, and had to hit previous page to see if there was any chance you were talking to me here.

Boy was I going to break some balls then. I'm really good at it! You'd be amazed.