If your son accidently (or purposely) killed someone, would you help him cover it up?

Would you let your own flesh and blood go to jail over something he can't change? Or would you help him hide the evidence?

Real answers please.

Fun story, one time when I had a crazy lady report me to the police for supposedly tailgating her (which I wasn't)... my dad calls me and goes "the police want to talk to you... if you are innocent, i'll call them back, but if you are guilty... I wont call him back."

Kills someone? no I would not cover for him. I would not eagerly testify or anything like that though. Personal responsibility you know.
No I wouldn't. I'd be as supportive as possible, but he'd have to face up to what he did. If he caused someone's death, then not only has that person lost the rest of his/her life, but those close to the victim would suffer and find their lives forever changed. I'd help him to face the responsibility, and the consequences, of his actions.

Atta Girl!

How I feel but much better stated.