APP - ILA's Official 2020 Presidential Prediction

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I am becoming more and more confident of a Trump victory

One of the areas the left will be disappointed in is the YUTE vote. They just aren’t going to turn out for Sleepy Joe. They are notoriously the least reliable voting bloc and are over represented in all of the polling

The YUTES are just not enthralled with Sleepy Joe

Also I have watched Trumps recent rallies. He shows no ill effects from Wu Flu and is lighting it up. Biden on the other hand is trying to keep a busier schedule but it is definitely taking a toll. These are beyond usual gaffes that he is making.

Anyone who can’t see he is in mental decline is not paying attention
I am becoming more and more confident of a Trump victory

One of the areas the left will be disappointed in is the YUTE vote. They just aren’t going to turn out for Sleepy Joe. They are notoriously the least reliable voting bloc and are over represented in all of the polling

The YUTES are just not enthralled with Sleepy Joe

Also I have watched Trumps recent rallies. He shows no ill effects from Wu Flu and is lighting it up. Biden on the other hand is trying to keep a busier schedule but it is definitely taking a toll. These are beyond usual gaffes that he is making.

Anyone who can’t see he is in mental decline is not paying attention

Indeed. Polls seem to be the only things that DEMOCRATS can cling to.

Not to disagree with your enthusiasm point, but, I do think that COVID has been able to amplify participation in both leftist riots and conservative rallies by artificially creating a higher volume of available participants.
Not to disagree with your enthusiasm point, but, I do think that COVID has been able to amplify participation in both leftist riots and conservative rallies by artificially creating a higher volume of available participants.

Perhaps. Is there any evidence to support your theory?
I really can't wait for November 3rd to get here.

I think the momentum is turning in the President's favor. It really does seem like 2016 all over again. The press is pushing bogus polls with wild leads for the democrat. They are pushing stories about how "republicans are distancing themselves from Trump".

I have watched the Trump rallies and there are numerous Republicans right there with him. I don't see anyone "distancing" themselves from him. What I don't see is Obama out on the stump for his former VP. I don't see Hillary out campaigning for Biden. I don't see Bill Clinton out campaigning for Biden.

This Burisma story is about to crack wide open. Maybe the FBI and Bill Barr will try to deep six the truth from coming out, but it will come out.
Here is my updated map

I actually think Trump is going to flip Minnesota and Nevada. I thought he might have a shot at New Hampshire but I am taking that off of the table.

Two dark horse flips for Trump are Virginia and New Mexico. It would not surprise me to see Virginia flip to Trump. One thing that doesn't get talked about much is the gun control laws they pushed as soon as Northam got elected. That pissed off lots of Virginians. I think this might be a message sent to them. So far everything I am seeing is that early voting for democrats is abysmal

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