Illegal migrant ‘gotaways’ who evade arrest after crossing border dropped 93% during Trump’s first month in office

More proof that Biden and his team of fools were lying when they claimed they needed border reform legislation to secure the border they claimed on numerous occasions was secure regardless of what we are seeing. It only took one month.

This lie and many others are being exposed each and every day of Trumps Presidency.

Illegal migrant ‘gotaways’ who evade arrest after crossing border dropped 93% during Trump’s first month in office

The number of illegal migrant “gotaways” who slip past border agents has plummeted more than 90% under President Trump’s show of force since reclaiming the White House less than a month ago.

Daily average gotaways — migrants who are detected crossing the border but elude apprehension — at the southern border dropped to just 132 at the beginning of February, down 93% from the average under former President Joe Biden, a Department of Homeland Security source told Fox News.

“Gotaways” include people spotted by agents, caught on camera or sensors or detected in another away.

Known gotaways reached 670,674 in FY 2023 — the most recent year available — or more than 1,800 per day, according to a Freedom of Information Act request obtained by Fox News.

Indeed, TD...indeed.

The vegetable said he could not close the border without Congress.

Of course he lied.
I believe Trump's strongest point at congress was when he said the dems told us we needed a new law to secure the border and it turns out all we needed was a new president.

True dat and there was no rebuttal. Just the usual flailing of arms and gibberish from the left.
That was an awesome moment. Hard to argue against the plan facts.
What's the matter, bunky ... you can't muster the cojones to honestly deal with a FACT that you can't logically/factually refute or dispute?

Here it is again: And of course our resident Maga mooks & Musk munchers have selective amnesia regarding who killed a comprehensive border bill CREATED BY ONE OF THE MOST CONSERVATIVE CONGRESS REPUBLICANS and agreed upon in bipartisan vote. Yeah, it was done to keep Biden from having a "win". Despicable.

You MAGA mooks think you can avoid facts and replace them with parroting BS talking points ad nausea. You only convince the idiot you see in the mirror of that:
You really give new meaning to the term brainless moron.

We already have immigration laws. We just needed a President that enforced them. The evidence is OBVIOUS to anyone with half a brain. Apparently, you lack even half a brain.

Now you can bang your tiny insignificant little fists on the table and scream all you want, it doesn't make your claim look less ignorant and stupid.
Indeed, TD...indeed.

The vegetable said he could not close the border without Congress.

Of course he lied.
When wasn't Biden lying. Fascinating that the brainless rubes who whined about lying when Trump is in office were fine with all Bidens dumb lies and gaslighting. Not only are the liars and mentally challenged, but they are massive hypocrites as well.
News Flash, both house under Biden had a sensible comprehensive border bill that would have achieved exactly what is happening now under Trump. But the man wanted all the credit, so he's getting it...but never think its his ideas...all Biden's all declined by Trump's GOP puppets!!
So explain how Trump is doing it WITHOUT your precious bill? Why did we need a new bill? We already have laws dealing with illegal immigrants. Why do we need new ones?

Take your time.
For example, "Sleepy Joe".
How is that an asinine insult? He actually was known for falling asleep in meetings. You must live in a cave or one of the worst brainless liars on the planet.

You know what is asinine? Claiming Trump is Hitler. Claiming that Trump is a Nazi. Claiming that Republicans are white supremacists.

See the difference shit-for-brains. I doubt you can comprehend much of anything that is obvious with that tiny myopic little brain.
How is that an asinine insult? He actually was known for falling asleep in meetings. You must live in a cave or one of the worst brainless liars on the planet.

You know what is asinine? Claiming Trump is Hitler. Claiming that Trump is a Nazi. Claiming that Republicans are white supremacists.

See the difference shit-for-brains. I doubt you can comprehend much of anything that is obvious with that tiny myopic little brain.

Trump claimed that Biden was running a Gestapo administration. Who is it that has been calling Democrats Marxists?

You are going to flail and claim its true.