Illuminati Satanists

I was going to blow this off as pure BS, until I noticed Disney. "It's a Small World" is a hypnotic mantra promoting one-worldism. Have you noticed that the big nightly finale at Epcot is entitled "Illuminations"?
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Does your aluminum foil hat fit well ?
Tin foil hats work, but aluminum foil hats do not. That is why you can't find tin foil anymore. Reynolds bloodline - Reynolds aluminum - how can you not see the Illuminati connection?
I was going to blow this off as pure BS, until I noticed Disney. "It's a Small World" is a hypnotic mantra promoting one-worldism. Have you noticed that the big nightly finale at Epcot is entitled "Illuminations"?
When you wish upon a star
makes no difference who you are
for anything your heart desires
will come to you.

A reference to The Star of baphomet no doubt.
Tin foil hats work, but aluminum foil hats do not. That is why you can't find tin foil anymore. Reynolds bloodline - Reynolds aluminum - how can you not see the Illuminati connection?
ROTFLMAO, Good one Trog.
did you see my thread on that very subject ?
When you wish upon a star
makes no difference who you are
for anything your heart desires
will come to you.

A reference to The Star of baphomet no doubt.

WIzard of Oz is a total illuminati tool
The history behind the Wizard of Oz programming is interesting. It suggests that the Wizard of Oz has had an important part in the occult world all along. One of the secrets of the Mystery Religions, especially the Egyptian Isis mystery religion was the ability to use drugs and torture to create multiple personalities. The word Oz is known to have been used by its author as an abbreviation for Osirus. Monarch victims have the “golden penis of Osirus” placed into them. The Grimm brothers, who were cabalistic jews, gathered the folk occult stories together. Their stories are full of spells, trances, and drugs. Sleeping Beauty is put to sleep, and the trigger to wake her is a kiss on the lips. These are serious hints that the occult world didn’t stop programming people with dissociative states and triggers when the ancient Egyptian empires fell. Instead of using modern lingo such as “hypnotize”, they would say “cast a spell.” Later in Freemasonry, the Right Worshipful Master would “charge” (meaning hypnotize) an initiate. The occultist Baum, a member of the Theosophical Society, was inspired by some spirit who gave him the “magic key” to write the Wizard of Oz book, which came out in 1900. The book’s story is full of satanic activity and satanic thinking. The story was chosen in the late 1940s to be the basis for the Illuminati/Intelligence community’s trauma-based total mind control programming. As a way of enhancing the effect of the programming, Monarch slaves are conditioned to place trigger items into their lives. When the movie was made, Judy Garland, who had lived a life touched by the occult world’s abuse, was chosen to act as Dorothy. Judy’s later husband, Mickey De Vinko was a satanist and the chief assistant to Roy Radin, a rich satanist who worked with the Illuminati, and who controlled the “Process church” covens which had as members mass murderers Berkowitz and Monarch slave Charlie Manson. There are several members of the Carr family, who are also tied into both De Vinko and Radin’s Process Church and the Illuminati. With the numerous long term connections between the Wizard of Oz books, and movie to the highest levels of the occult world, it is not without reason that one can theorize that the original series of 14 Oz books had an ulterior motive behind them. The 14 books of the Oz series are: 1) The Wizard of Oz, 2) The Land of Oz, 3) Ozma of Oz, 4) Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz, 5) The Road to Oz, 6) The Emerald City of Oz, 7) The Patchwork Girl of Oz, 8) Tik-tok of Oz, 9) The Scarecrow of Oz, 10) Rinkitink in Oz, 11) The Lost Princess of Oz, 12) The Tinman Woodsman of Oz, 13) The Magic of Oz, 14) Glinda of Oz. These books are still being sold, and are being read to children who are being programmed with trauma-based total mind control. The 14 books came out in various editions. The originals came out in 1900 and shortly thereafter. In the 1930s, the 1940’s, and the 1950’s the words were retype set and given different pages. (When working with a survivor it might help to identify what decade the edition the slave was programmed with, because the pictures and the page numbers varied from edition to edition.) Of course, having good pictures is an asset in programming, because the child will visualize off of the pictures when building its internal world. In addition to this, large Wizard of Oz theme parks are being built by the Illuminati to provide places to carry out programming and to reinforce the programming which traps the minds of Monarch slaves. The best example of this, is the audacious MGM Grand complex in Las Vegas, although other theme parks around America also use a Wizard of Oz theme. If you have read Fritz Springmeier’s Be Wise As Serpents you will know how the Theosophical Society ties in with Freemasonry, Satanism, and Lucis Trust. Several famous members of the Theosophical Society include:

Adolf Hitler (a Satanist who practiced human sacrifice, & who had HPB’s book at his side.)

Mahatma Gandhi (a Hindu guru considered a god by some of his followers. Gandhi was successful with the British in part because of the Theosophical Society.)

H.P. Blavatsky (The founder of the Theosophical Society. She referred to herself as HPB. She was initiated by Illuminatus Mazzini into Carbonarism , a form of Freemasonry, illumined by the Great White Lodge in 1856, was part of the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor, and spent lots of time with the Eddy Illuminati family in Vermont, who were well known mediums. She also was a member of the occult fraternities the Order of the Druses, the Adoptive branch of the Ancient & Primitive Rite of Freemasonry, & the hermetic masonic rites of Memphis and Mizraim. She was trained to handle live snakes by Sheik Yusuf ben Makerzi, the chief of the Serpent Handlers, and she was hypnotized by occultist Victor Michal and to some degree from 1866 under his influence.)

Alice Bailey (head of Lucis Trust)

Henry Steel Olcott (an important occultist)

Elvis Presley (a Monarch slave)

Manly P. Hall (an Illuminati Theta Programmer, and at least a Grand Master within the Illuminati who sat on the Grand Druid Council.)

Frank Baum

The man who wrote the book The Wizard of Oz was a member of the Theosophical Society. L. Frank Baum lived in South Dakota and created The Wizard of Oz book as a theosophical fairy tale incorporating the “ancient wisdom” of the Mystery Religions. The books have so much material from inside the secret world of the Illuminati, that the few who understand the Illuminati wonder if Baum wasn’t an insider. The moral of the book is that we must rely upon ourselves, for we alone have the power to save ourselves. This was part of the original lie of Satan in the garden. Satan has simply dressed up the same original lie into different packaging and is distributing it worldwide as the most popular American fairy tale. L. Frank Baum explained how he came to write the book, “It was pure inspiration....It came to me right out of the blue. I think that sometimes the Great Author has a message to get across and He has to use the instrument at hand. I happened to be that medium, and I believe the magic key was given me to open the doors to sympathy and understanding, joy, peace and happiness.” (Hearn, Michael P. ed., The Annotated Wizard of Oz. NY: Clarkson N. Potter, 1973, p. 73.) In Baum’s time, the head of the Theosophical Society, H.P. Blavastsky had been putting out her journal called Lucifer. In other words, I highly suspect Baum knew what the Theosophical Society was all about, and that he himself was deeply into the occult. The book The Wizard of Oz came out in 1900. (It wasn’t until 1939 that the movie was made.) This next section will cover the numerous parallels between the Wizard of Oz material and the occult world and the occult world’s programming. This is broken up into 3 sections:
The Kennedy, Rockefeller, and Rothschild families are not human. They are possibly Nephilim, albeit bred down in size. It's equally possible they're Reptilian (the descendants of Cain). Either way, these families are Satanic in origin, and are enemies of the Living God.

It is unfortunate that the mother of humanity also gave birth to the seed of Satan...
The Kennedy, Rockefeller, and Rothschild families are not human. They are possibly Nephilim, albeit bred down in size. It's equally possible they're Reptilian (the descendants of Cain). Either way, these families are Satanic in origin, and are enemies of the Living God.

It is unfortunate that the mother of humanity also gave birth to the seed of Satan...
Or it's possible that they are human... just very, very bad people.

The Kennedy, Rockefeller, and Rothschild families are not human. They are possibly Nephilim, albeit bred down in size. It's equally possible they're Reptilian (the descendants of Cain). Either way, these families are Satanic in origin, and are enemies of the Living God.

It is unfortunate that the mother of humanity also gave birth to the seed of Satan...

So Adams son Cain is reptillian ?

Wow never heard that before. but then until recently I had never headr that the world was hollow with a mini sun at the middle and full of faeries and such :D
Maybe oil is just faerie poop ?
Does you aluminum foil hat fit well ?
WHY YES, May I help you????


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WIzard of Oz is a total illuminati tool
Look for signs of "it has been known" that have no real relation to any evidence. Also "it suggests" and a few other deliberately vague terms. See if you can find them.

Seriously, this is like some books I have read by an author called Maurice Cotterell (pronounced "morris, like the Brits, not Moreese like the Americans would) who just uses huge leaps of logic that connect to no real evidence to describe how pyramids prove all sorts of things.

I've read a few of his books, but they are unconvincing to me because they do not connect to any knowledge of value, he expects you to just accept that 375 steps, for example, in a pyramid mean what he says they mean and gives no valid reason that it should.

In this example they just say that the Grimm brothers gathered up all this information that we are just supposed to accept and gives no real connect to any real texts or facts we could use to check this information. They use that their stories have spells and other things in them as "proof" of such a collection of folk stories by those authors of fairy tales.

Ahhh forget it. You want to believe it so bad that huge holes in the logic seem to be so easily passed over.
That chick who wouldn't sleep with me last month...definitely Satanic.
You don't have this down yet. Keep practicing.

What you should be saying is...

The Brothers Grimm, before writing the fairy tales book first researched the common witch. Amazingly they found a picture of that girl I was with last night, and also that one of the signs of witchcraft is the loss of sexual appetite. As well as weighing as much as a duck. I noticed, after she rejected me, as I was throwing her out that she weighed very close to a duck. How could I be dating a witch like that?
What a load of bollocks, AHZ...

Take a look at this random quote from your link...

"The tribe of Dan ruled the Greeks, the Roman Empire, the Austro-Hungarian empire and many others which used the eagle as its logo."

According to this tripe, whoever used an eagle as a logo is being ruled by the 'tribe of Dan'.

This is non-sequiter, it is making the assumption that because Dan's house used the symbol, all others that use an eagle are ruled by Dan.

Have you actually read this bollocks AHZ? It is badly written drivvel with no substance.

This really made me laugh:

"Great Britian is the mother country of Satanism."

You believe anything don't you.....
Hey AHZ, how do we know that you aren't some lizard satanist illuminati chap?

Can you prove you aren't or shall we burn you at a stake?