I'm a **** chucking retarded ape

It's pretty obvious he's a paid troll I think they're also called influencers but what I'm curious about does anybody have a guess as to how much he might be paid I mean does it payroll make a lot of money do they have to work at night at 7:11 or how does that occupation pay

20 cents an hour. He ruined this forum.
It's pretty obvious he's a paid troll I think they're also called influencers but what I'm curious about does anybody have a guess as to how much he might be paid I mean does it payroll make a lot of money do they have to work at night at 7:11 or how does that occupation pay

You lookin' for a job?

I would imagine shilling pays about as much as spamming used to.

That would be "Get a real job and be better off" pay. :laugh: