i'm a lawyer and maineman is a preacher

Cancel 2018. 3

<-- sched 2, MJ sched 1
can we now stfu about that?

or do we have to have maineman bitch about it? and use damo to "get at yurt"

maineman used damo to delete that i said he is a preacher.....next day, the very next day literally.....maineman says he is a preacher.....puts damo in a bad position....

well....i'm sick and tired of damo being used in this stupid game....
grind....you pussy.....


yes....grind's comments and PM's were part and instrumental in formulating this thread....

all hail grind
i would assume this is common knowledge by now. that and very little information can be gained for that fact alone.
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Who cares if Maineman preaches liberalism. I don't need to go to his pulpit to see him do that, I can watch him do that here...
can we now stfu about that?

or do we have to have maineman bitch about it? and use damo to "get at yurt"

maineman used damo to delete that i said he is a preacher.....next day, the very next day literally.....maineman says he is a preacher.....puts damo in a bad position....

well....i'm sick and tired of damo being used in this stupid game....

And between the two of you, you possess the maturity of a 6 year old.
And between the two of you, you possess the maturity of a 6 year old.

so you're saying that i'm more mature than you and maineman....thanks...

and how silly of me to want to end this stupid game so damo and grind aren't playing some stupid referee to maineman's refusal to abide by their requests...i decided enough is enough and if i were damo or grind i would be sick of it....since dishonestmanfrommaine won't end this.....i did

how immature of me :rolleyes:
we gave up a long time ago deleting posts solely because someone called maineman a preacher. (see: [ame="http://www.justplainpolitics.com/showthread.php?t=18709"]What's a Preacher to do? - Just Plain Politics![/ame] ) A lot of the times posts that did mention that factoid also would mention his address, his name, or a picture of said church.

There might have been a brief stint where ANYTHING was deleted, but that was under the guise of culling the so-called "personal information war" where everyone just needed to stfu about everything.
my father is, no doubt, rolling over in his grave knowing that someone as incompetent, immature, and petty as you passed the bar.... if in fact, you HAVE passed the bar. Maybe you just slid in through law school but have not yet been able to prove your actual skill. Maybe that is why you are just an "associate".

fuckin' loser.:cof1:
my father is, no doubt, rolling over in his grave knowing that someone as incompetent, immature, and petty as you passed the bar.... if in fact, you HAVE passed the bar. Maybe you just slid in through law school but have not yet been able to prove your actual skill. Maybe that is why you are just an "associate".

fuckin' loser.:cof1:

Your father probably offed himself when he realize what an asshole he had as a son.

I hate all the threads bashing you and your responses. I'm bored on two different sites. Funny thing is you cheaply bought yourself back on another. I guess it was important to you? Loser.
Your father probably offed himself when he realize what an asshole he had as a son.

I hate all the threads bashing you and your responses. I'm bored on two different sites. Funny thing is you cheaply bought yourself back on another. I guess it was important to you? Loser.

my father died of old age at the age of 94... he was extremely proud of both of his sons.

and if you don't like threads bashing me, sister.... here is a little clue:


really. go somewhere else.... reading about what bores YOU bores the fuck out of ME. I guess I'll just put YOU on ignore and I recommend you do likewise.
Your father probably offed himself when he realize what an asshole he had as a son.

I hate all the threads bashing you and your responses. I'm bored on two different sites. Funny thing is you cheaply bought yourself back on another. I guess it was important to you? Loser.

Go away you rude bitch.

That's what's wrong with the south. At least in the north when someone's a liar they admit it. In the south, everyone is a fucking liar, and they all pretend that they aren't, but they're all boiling pots of human shit underneath the Pavlovian trained "hospitality".

They'll be nice to a black man in front of the cameras, but get them away to a place where their only around white people and it's nigger this, nigger that. Violence is their first resort. They are truly the trash of the world. I wish we could just saw the entire southeast off and let it float out to sea.
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