i'm a lawyer and maineman is a preacher

Go away you rude bitch.

That's what's wrong with the south. At least in the north when someone's a liar they admit it. In the south, everyone is a fucking liar, and they all pretend that they aren't, but they're all boiling pots of human shit underneath the Pavlovian trained "hospitality".

They'll be nice to a black man in front of the cameras, but get them away to a place where their only around white people and it's nigger this, nigger that. Violence is their first resort. They are truly the trash of the world. I wish we could just saw the entire southeast off and let it float out to sea.
Wow. An ugly example of regional bigotry.
Go away you rude bitch.

That's what's wrong with the south. At least in the north when someone's a liar they admit it. In the south, everyone is a fucking liar, and they all pretend that they aren't, but they're all boiling pots of human shit underneath the Pavlovian trained "hospitality".

They'll be nice to a black man in front of the cameras, but get them away to a place where their only around white people and it's nigger this, nigger that. Violence is their first resort. They are truly the trash of the world. I wish we could just saw the entire southeast off and let it float out to sea.
Where would we get our pro wrasslers from then? :rant:
Liberals are self-loathing. *shrug*

that doesn't change the fact that one of us has a published record of accomplishment, and the other had a void which he can only fill be touting his obsequience displayed in runs for coffee for his otherwise productive bosses.

in damo-land, losers always seem to rise to the surface.
that doesn't change the fact that one of us has a published record of accomplishment, and the other had a void which he can only fill be touting his obsequience displayed in runs for coffee for his otherwise productive bosses.

in damo-land, losers always seem to rise to the surface.
What the fuck does my post have to do with you? And what the fuck did you ever accomplish besides being ballast on some boat?