I'm about to be a 23 year old Freshman

Jesus. Why on earth are you married already? 23? This is the best time in the history of mankind for BBW hunting. And you're married? Are you insane?
Man, you must have had a busy pre-married life for the stories I've heard.

Give me again your oldest, fattest, ugliest, hottest and most bizarre stats again.
Oldest was 53, I was 19. Fattest and ugliest was the 500 lbs women. She was literally so fat she had asian looking eyes. Hottest in terms of looks? This one random latina. She was 40 and fucking AMAZING. In terms of skill it was probably the one Irish woman, the only reason I could keep up with her was because I had taken two vicodin prior. And most bizarre....probably the random black girl my buddy picked up. After literally 2 minutes in his room, she came over to mine. She was at our house for a total of 10 minutes, and as we took her back to her house, I think she was planning on having her buddies mug us when we dropped her off, because she changed where she wanted to be dropped off at when she found out we were both packing.

Yeah, I have a thing for older women.
Oldest was 53, I was 19. Fattest and ugliest was the 500 lbs women. She was literally so fat she had asian looking eyes. Hottest in terms of looks? This one random latina. She was 40 and fucking AMAZING. In terms of skill it was probably the one Irish woman, the only reason I could keep up with her was because I had taken two vicodin prior. And most bizarre....probably the random black girl my buddy picked up. After literally 2 minutes in his room, she came over to mine. She was at our house for a total of 10 minutes, and as we took her back to her house, I think she was planning on having her buddies mug us when we dropped her off, because she changed where she wanted to be dropped off at when she found out we were both packing.

Yeah, I have a thing for older women.

Holy Batshit, Robin! What have I walked into here? :corn:
Lets hear 'em.

Dude, it shouldn't be taken by people like me. My sessions last so long on it, it was a chore. On the plus side it was the best exercise ever. And since I took it in secret, I was the talk of the town with the ladies (the ones not repulsed by my other actions anyways).
You may or may not remember me, I'm formerly CaptBillyTheKid, or CaptJack from Fullpolitics.com. I'm also a former manwhore. Probably still would be were it not for marriage.

No, I don't remember the name. It's been a LONG time since I visited any boards. Well, congrats on the marraige and way to go on the college. Good for you! Being a manwhore was probably fun at the time but kind of scary, too from the sound of it. LOL!
Jesus. Why on earth are you married already? 23? This is the best time in the history of mankind for BBW hunting. And you're married? Are you insane?

if you keep saying this stuff capts wife will ban him from this board O_O
BTW, Capt, I have some priorities for you:

1) Get lots of pussy (married)
2) Party hard (redundant to life)
3) Metallurgy
4) Political science

Basically, if you have to fail at one of your academic areas, fail at the polisci, because the metallurgy is obviously the more important focus.