I'm back from Aruba!!!!!!

"Sorry but I was just signing out when I saw this..getta grip..come up to speed...darla made some comments about Lady T when she was on sabatical in Aruba..it was in jest mind ya....so no I am not nor ever did use drugs...quit with the Liberal canned responses already.....***sigh***"

Ummmm... it was a southpark joke ya tool... I guess some of you old fuddy duddies just aren't quite up to speed. No worries though, we all help US along, we can assist you as well. Perhaps provide a nice new walker for you. ;)

Side note... I seriously doubt you will find anyone on this site that thinks I am a liberal. I will make sure to put little smileys on future posts so that you know when I am kidding....
Sorry but I was just signing out when I saw this..getta grip..come up to speed...darla made some comments about Lady T when she was on sabatical in Aruba..it was in jest mind ya....so no I am not nor ever did use drugs...quit with the Liberal canned responses already.....***sigh***

Tiana, just in case you are wondering, the only "comments" I made about you while you were away, was one joke, the punchline of which was "I'm holding out for Tiana I hear she is better looking than all of you".
Tiana, just in case you are wondering, the only "comments" I made about you while you were away, was one joke, the punchline of which was "I'm holding out for Tiana I hear she is better looking than all of you".

LOL. He just wanted to hear it again, which is why he brought it up :cof1:


Don't you find it hilarious when a bunch of grown men turn into teenage girls in a thread?!

"Forgive me...but are you a girl or guy?..."

"Sorry but I was just signing out when I saw this..getta grip..come up to speed...darla made some comments about Lady T when she was on sabatical in Aruba.."

"I will make sure to put little smileys on future posts so that you know when I am kidding...."
LOL. He just wanted to hear it again, which is why he brought it up :cof1:


Don't you find it hilarious when a bunch of grown men turn into teenage girls in a thread?!

"Forgive me...but are you a girl or guy?..."

"Sorry but I was just signing out when I saw this..getta grip..come up to speed...darla made some comments about Lady T when she was on sabatical in Aruba.."

"I will make sure to put little smileys on future posts so that you know when I am kidding...."

Ha! That is so funny!