I'm back... So what's new other than Grind's anger and Charver's question?

Meh. My dad gave me tons of money when I went, but I returned most of it. I would just feel bad spending so much on so little.

i was just kidding watermark :(

you didn't have to prove to me that you actually had money in your hands, geez.
LOL. The only souvenir I bought was a Star Wars holotag. I thought it was going to be cheap, and I was like, why not? Then I went up the cashier and he asked seven dollars for a nylon necklace that had a piece of laminated paper around it. I think I temporarily lost sanity, because I actually bought it. When I got out of there I was like WTF WHY DID I DO THAT and I made sure to look at the price before I bought anything else, and surprise, nothing else struck my fancy.
roller coasters and awesome rides are fun. epcot has none of that. also waiting in line is for chumps. buy fast passes.
You don't "buy" a fast pass. You get them for free, but you can only get one every two hours and they usually run out of the passes for the cool rides quickly. They are like a reservation, not something you pay for.
I preferred my 10 mile hike through the beauties of nature.
I prefer not to feed the capitalist pig for entertainment.
You do not have to spend large amounts of money to have fun. But that is what the tube tells us.
We did and do nature, too, going to tube the Animus in June! but some of the commercial spots are fun, like Six Flags, I love roller coasters!
All I can say is, keep the $ coming! Tourist sales taxes are the reason we have no income tax.
That said, we've done The World 14 times, 12 with the kids, twice with the grandchildren.The best times were when we took our camper and stayed at the Disney campground. All the amenities and more excitement for the kids. They loved it, that's why we went so often. Once at Epcot was enough for us. Even though one son lives there, Orlando is not on my list of favorite cities, nor his. It's too young to have any character along with the urban sprawl problems. If I lived in Colorado, I might have chosen Disneyland,
You don't "buy" a fast pass. You get them for free, but you can only get one every two hours and they usually run out of the passes for the cool rides quickly. They are like a reservation, not something you pay for.

oh young padawan and non-amusment park expert, yes you would be right in regards to disney, but it really depends upon the park you go to. For example, if you go to islands of adventure you buy a single pass that works for the entire park. It's like this at other places as well.
Epcot is just very, very boring. I hate the soulless ultra-modernist style of everything. Walking into the place literally causes all your emotion and soul to be sucked right out of you. People in the 50's really imagined a future with no color or life in it at all. And then it tries to educate you. Education that I already know, mind you, + sentimental rot. The ride in that huge ball is just annoying and boring out of your mind.

The only good ride was the car test drive (an ad for GM disguised as a ride), which I rode like four times because my band director stuck us there for SIX FUCKING HOURS. Soarin California was... OK, but not exciting. And the lines for it were ridiculous one-hour atrocities, because no one wants to go on any of the other rides.

And to think, we visited the Animal Kingdom that day too, which was so awesome, probably the best part of Disney World. He only let us stay there for like two hours, so that we could spend our time in Epcot. I wanted to strangle him.

I've been to Orlando twice for over nights on jobs I was working on. Didn't make it to Disneyworld but I did go to a real bomb go-go bar! :-) Man those Florida Latina's are hot!!
You don't "buy" a fast pass. You get them for free, but you can only get one every two hours and they usually run out of the passes for the cool rides quickly. They are like a reservation, not something you pay for.
I don't think they have those at Cedar Point.
Hope your kids enjoyed the trip, Damo. For my part, I'd take the San Diego Zoo any day -- or week!
Word! I just took my 5 y.o. nephews to both the Columbus Zoo and the Center of Science and Industry and they loved it and I didn't have to take out a second mortgate in the process.
I preferred my 10 mile hike through the beauties of nature.
I prefer not to feed the capitalist pig for entertainment.
You do not have to spend large amounts of money to have fun. But that is what the tube tells us.
True dat. One of the best times I've had in my life was hwen a friend and I rode the Dragons tail on our bicycles culminated by a ride up, then down Clingmans dome where we both got pulled over by a park ranger for doing 55 in a 25 zone. We both tried real hard to talk him into giving us the ticket but the jerk was bound and determined to give us a break! I mean, how many people can brag about getting busted for doing 55 in a 25 zone on a bicycle? I would have framed that sucker! LOL