I'm crushed

Mott the Hoople

Sweet Jane
I just found out that a former girl friend of mine from my home town, a very sweet lady whom I'm friends with still.....her son died of a heroine overdose last weekend.

I'm devastated. She still lives in my hometown, which is a small farm town. There was never drugs like that in small towns when I was growing up. Pot and speed was about it. He was a good kid too, did well in college, graduated from high school with honors. Was never in any real trouble that I'm aware till this.

I just can't believe this is happening to my friend. Her son was only 25.

His funeral is this weekend.....this is going to be a tough one. :(
I just found out that a former girl friend of mine from my home town, a very sweet lady whom I'm friends with still.....her son died of a heroine overdose last weekend.

I'm devastated. She still lives in my hometown, which is a small farm town. There was never drugs like that in small towns when I was growing up. Pot and speed was about it. He was a good kid too, did well in college, graduated from high school with honors. Was never in any real trouble that I'm aware till this.

I just can't believe this is happening to my friend. Her son was only 25.

His funeral is this weekend.....this is going to be a tough one. :(

Wow that's tragic, how long had she been on heroine?
Thanks everyone. I'll find out more this weekend when I go to the funeral. I've known for a long time about the problem with crystal meth in small towns. I've had to clean up quite a few meth labs in the past and was almost always shocked at the amateurishness of the operations and amazed that no one had been killed making the stuff or using it. I had also heard that with the decline in crystal meth manufacture due to the difficulty of obtaining precursor chemicals (psuedoephedra) that heroine had began to replace crystal meth as the drug of choice. Thirty years ago heroine was something you found in New York, Chicago or LA, you rarely saw it in small town America. Obviously things have changed and not for the better.
Sorry Mott
All the more reason to tell the truth about drugs!
Prescription heroin is a serious problem
So is lying to kids telling them pot is as bad as heroin.
I just found out that a former girl friend of mine from my home town, a very sweet lady whom I'm friends with still.....her son died of a heroine overdose last weekend.

I'm devastated. She still lives in my hometown, which is a small farm town. There was never drugs like that in small towns when I was growing up. Pot and speed was about it. He was a good kid too, did well in college, graduated from high school with honors. Was never in any real trouble that I'm aware till this.

I just can't believe this is happening to my friend. Her son was only 25.

His funeral is this weekend.....this is going to be a tough one. :(

I'm so sorry Mott. My thoughts are with you.
Really, really sorry to hear it Mott.

Our local school had a community meeting on heroin a few weeks back. It's really at a near-epidemic level where I am.

It's definitely become much more prevalent among teens in this generation. Lots of real tragedies out there...
Bad Karma. Back in the old days here, addicts could get their stuff on the NHS and get on with their lives - but then the capitalist press started ranting, and now the small town I live in is rotten with illegal drugs and all that involves. Treat people as people, let them choose, and establish a free press, then these horrors won't happen.
Sorry Mott
All the more reason to tell the truth about drugs!
Prescription heroin is a serious problem
So is lying to kids telling them pot is as bad as heroin.
That's true and as long as it's kept illegal it will remain a gateway drug. All of which I'm sure is a conversation my friend won't want to have at the moment.
That's terrible Mott, I'm so sorry.
Thanks, it really is terribe. My friend Terry has had pretty bad luck with men in her life and she devoted her life to raising her kids. Her first son died of SIDS when he was days old and now this. What a tough blow. I'm just hoping that her surviving daughter, friends and family will get her through this. She absolutely adored her son. I remember how much she bragged about him when he graduated with honors from High School.
I just found out that a former girl friend of mine from my home town, a very sweet lady whom I'm friends with still.....her son died of a heroine overdose last weekend.

I'm devastated. She still lives in my hometown, which is a small farm town. There was never drugs like that in small towns when I was growing up. Pot and speed was about it. He was a good kid too, did well in college, graduated from high school with honors. Was never in any real trouble that I'm aware till this.

I just can't believe this is happening to my friend. Her son was only 25.

His funeral is this weekend.....this is going to be a tough one. :(

I am so sorry, young people's funerals are the worst.
Really, really sorry to hear it Mott.

Our local school had a community meeting on heroin a few weeks back. It's really at a near-epidemic level where I am.

It's definitely become much more prevalent among teens in this generation. Lots of real tragedies out there...
I know. I was talking to a co-worker who's originally from the same area of Ohio I'm from, small farm town, and she was telling of some friends, same story, good kid, middle class family, died of a heroin overdose. Heck I didn't even know my friends kid even smoked weed or anything like that. He wasn't into that sort of thing when he was in high school.
Thanks everyone. I'll find out more this weekend when I go to the funeral. I've known for a long time about the problem with crystal meth in small towns. I've had to clean up quite a few meth labs in the past and was almost always shocked at the amateurishness of the operations and amazed that no one had been killed making the stuff or using it. I had also heard that with the decline in crystal meth manufacture due to the difficulty of obtaining precursor chemicals (psuedoephedra) that heroine had began to replace crystal meth as the drug of choice. Thirty years ago heroine was something you found in New York, Chicago or LA, you rarely saw it in small town America. Obviously things have changed and not for the better.

i keep hearing there was this really bad batch of heroin lately that's been killing people. same stuff that swept up hoffman. maybe it's the same thing
I just found out that a former girl friend of mine from my home town, a very sweet lady whom I'm friends with still.....her son died of a heroine overdose last weekend.

I'm devastated. She still lives in my hometown, which is a small farm town. There was never drugs like that in small towns when I was growing up. Pot and speed was about it. He was a good kid too, did well in college, graduated from high school with honors. Was never in any real trouble that I'm aware till this.

I just can't believe this is happening to my friend. Her son was only 25.

His funeral is this weekend.....this is going to be a tough one. :(

Sorry to hear that Mott...