I'm doomed

It means you will do just fine, deep breathe! breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out!
He just said he is a meter maid, can you explain the comment as he is unwilling to do so? Is it some kind of legal slang?

holy crap....dude...why the f do you care what i do for a living? i can't believe you're running all over the board puzzling over my comment...

this is funny
holy crap....dude...why the f do you care what i do for a living? i can't believe you're running all over the board puzzling over my comment...

this is funny

I will never understand why you are so sensitive over something so inconsequential? You brought it up in the first place.
I will never understand why you are so sensitive over something so inconsequential? You brought it up in the first place.

would you stop with the lies today...i didn't bring it up, YOU did...i'm not being sensitive at all...i'm lmao at you spazzing out over saying i'm a meter maid....would undercover DEA agent make you feel better....

you're such a whiny little guy

True. But my dreams of going to any sort of grad school have been pretty much crushed by this semester anyway.

if it is one semester, you still have hope...i had a huge family matter that occurred during one of my semesters as a junior....i actually got an F and my gpa sank to like 2.1....well, after that i got back on track, dean's list etc....and ended up overall with a cumulative high gpa...

if all else fails, you can always join tom's investigation agency that investigates meter maids :D
would you stop with the lies today...i didn't bring it up, YOU did...i'm not being sensitive at all...i'm lmao at you spazzing out over saying i'm a meter maid....would undercover DEA agent make you feel better....

you're such a whiny little guy

I give up, you are just impossible. :palm: