I'm doomed

if it is one semester, you still have hope...i had a huge family matter that occurred during one of my semesters as a junior....i actually got an F and my gpa sank to like 2.1....well, after that i got back on track, dean's list etc....and ended up overall with a cumulative high gpa...

if all else fails, you can always join tom's investigation agency that investigates meter maids :D

I think I'm probably going to fail the class I just took a test in, unless the teacher pulls some kind of magic with the grades (not completely out of the question, since the class average on all of his tests has been around 50, and I assume that it's frowned upon to be failing the vast majority of your students).

I might fail the class I'm reworking the test to right now. It depends on how badly I damaged my lab grade by forgetting to submit my lab report four weeks in a row.
I could have a 4.0 right now if I had gotten an English degree and decided to go off to law school. But no, I decided English ad law is for pussies (like grind), science is where its at, and that I'd make up my mathematical deficit by just studying like shit.
/shrugs....so what's the worst that can happen.....instead of being a guy who tells a guy flipping hamburgers what to do you'll be the guy flipping hamburgers.......big deal.....
I'm going to move to London, adopt a delightfully quirky cockney accent, and star in charming musical numbers with my fellow soot covered factory workers all day.
Seriously, this campus has 8 hours of academic forgiveness, so I can basically just retake these classes with no hit on my GPA any time I want. I'd definitely do that before giving up.

Also I should really take a look at my final grades before declaring the end of the world.
Seriously, this campus has 8 hours of academic forgiveness, so I can basically just retake these classes with no hit on my GPA any time I want. I'd definitely do that before giving up.

Also I should really take a look at my final grades before declaring the end of the world.

You should have plenty of time.
I mean; it's not like you're playing Werewolf or anything. :chesh: