I'm drink again

next time go get real drunk with fake stephanie instead of being fake drunk on justplainpolitics.

No, I drank two New Castle followed by six Sierra Nevada.

I can get pretty easily drink from six beers, let alone eight of them.

Last night I thought I drank ten total, but a bottle count this morning revealed otherwise. Lol
Well, 10 beers would definitely effect me. But I'd be drunk, not drink and I would notice such a misspelling even when I was drunk. Let alone the day after.
Well, 10 beers would definitely effect me. But I'd be drunk, not drink and I would notice such a misspelling even when I was drunk. Let alone the day after.

This is the closest Damo has ever gotten to shuttin' someone down.
next time go get real drunk with fake stephanie instead of being fake drunk on justplainpolitics.


Why exactly is it that you think I have absolutely no female friends?

Perhaps because your own lack of success with women, could that be it? :)
Why exactly is it that you think I have absolutely no female friends?

Perhaps because your own lack of success with women, could that be it? :)

Umm could be from your posts in the past. Talking about nasty Morman girls wanting sex and such....

female "friends" are not what I think was being discussed.
You may start spelling bad when you're drunk, but why the hell would your verb tenses change? You would start hitting other keys on accident and you would make weird sentences if you were drunk. Changing verb tense makes it fairly obvious that you were putting thought into this (more than you would have if you were actually drunk enough to spell bad) and TRYING to make it sound bad.
People can't even tell when I'm posting drunk or high. The only difference is that my points are often absurd and I get entirely on one side or another like Desh or Dixie. My sense of understanding of the opposite side vanishes.
I think it was likely he was drunk, he just exaggerated. He'll get better at it as he gets more used to sinning.
You may start spelling bad when you're drunk, but why the hell would your verb tenses change? You would start hitting other keys on accident and you would make weird sentences if you were drunk. Changing verb tense makes it fairly obvious that you were putting thought into this (more than you would have if you were actually drunk enough to spell bad) and TRYING to make it sound bad.

Take a look at your keyboard and notice the close proximity of the 'u' and 'i' keys. It's known as a typo. I don't know why, but when I'm drunk I don't correct my spelling errors (which become more frequent). I am mostly aware of them, but I don't have the will to fix them.

Why is everyone making a goddamn federal case out of this?

If any thread reveals how pathetic your lives are, this is the one.
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Take a look at your keyboard and notice the close proximity of the 'u' and 'i' keys. It's known as a typo. I don't know why, but when I'm drunk I don't correct my spelling errors (which become more frequent). I am mostly aware of them, but I don't have the will to fix them.

Why is everyone making a goddamn federal case out of this?

If any thread reveals how pathetic your lives are, this is the one.

Yes, it does reveal how pathetic your life is, getting drunk and then getting on a political forum. Why are you making a federal case out of this Brent? Why can't you just admit that you're a dumbass sociopath liar?